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"You guys can sit any where you want" Reki says as I put my hair up before sitting down and falling onto the soft messy mattress of the red heads

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"You guys can sit any where you want" Reki says as I put my hair up before sitting down and falling onto the soft messy mattress of the red heads.

I used my elbows to prop up on the bed as I got a look at Langa and chuckled at how awkward he was from standing in the middle of Reki's room. Reki was by his desk desperately trying to find his book of skateboards to help Langa find what kind of board he wants.

"Langa, you can sit right here, no harm done" I say with a smile as the boy froze in fright when I see a familiar little girl staring deeply at the blue haired teen.

"Nanaka!" Reki said sternly making me sit up and smile widely.

"Nanaka!" I say towards the small younger girl who's eyes were glued on Langa but then turned to me with a wide grin.

"Sister!" She yelled excitedly before engulfing me in a big hug which I gladly returned. And soon after that she dashed out of the room.

"Who was that?" Langa said in shock making me chuckle at his expression as he sat down next to me.

"That was one of Reki's younger sisters" I say as I laid down again staring up at the ceiling. I was still a bit tired from today's practice so I was feeling a bit sleepier than usual.

"Reki, you should've told me that you invited Y/n over and another friend. Welcome, I'm Reki's mom and it's always a pleasure to see you Y/n" Reki's mom greeted us with a warm smile as she then looked at Langa with a worried look. "He hasn't given you any trouble, right? Are you okay?"

"Like I would! More like I'm taking care of him" Reki said which made me snicker as I felt something small hit my head. It was a eraser, which was thrown by Reki making me sit up and glare at the boy.

"There's no way that would be true! I know Y/n has been dealing with Reki's antics for the past three years but I still worry over her too, knowing how my son is" Reki's mom says as Reki's two little sisters came clutching their mothers skirt and didn't mind the glare stare down between her son and me.

"Why don't you believe your son for once?" Reki said as we broke eye contact and I waved at Reki's other sister who shyly waved back.

"Are you two hungry? I have some tatsy cake! Would you like that my future daughter in law" Reki's mom says which took me a sec to realize what she said.

"Sure, wait- QUE?!" I exclaimed as I turned beat red at what she said.

"Mom! Please don't start again and I don't want any" Reki grumbled as I tried to calm down how flushed I felt. Langa watched this interaction silently and somehow caught a small frown from him. Hmm.

"I want some"Reki's sisters yell in excitement making me awe at how cute they were.

"You'll have some, right?" The older woman said with a look on her face that most mothers do when regarding to food to their kids friends.

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