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"Don't do it you two, this guy is on a whole different level" Reki warned as he gave me a knowing look

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"Don't do it you two, this guy is on a whole different level" Reki warned as he gave me a knowing look. Aghh I don't know...I thought I wouldn't be able to race again but someone challenging me since to rile me up into doing it.

"I heard you were a snowboarder, and you were a surfer, I'd like to see how both of your skating won against Shadow," Miya said with a small grin as he looked at Langa and I.

"Shadow... If I could do something like that, I'll accept the challenge" Langa said in his usual monotone but a look of determination and excitement shone on his face.

"Stop it! Don't get so cocky just because you nailed an ollie, this guy is a Japanese national team hopeful" Reki exclaimed to the male next to me as I looked down at my red converse shoes in thought.

"I'll do it" Langa repeated.

"Hey!" Reki said in disbelief as I was still self-doubting whether I should do this or not.

"So what do you say, kitten? Are you in, too?" Miya said so boldly making me open my mouth in shock. Kitten? The hell does this kid think he is?

"I-uh...I guess" I muttered out a bit nervously about how this whole ordeal will go. "But please drop the pet name-calling..."

"EH? Y/n!" Reki scolded as I pursed my lips and furrowed my brows at the younger boy who only gave me a small wink.

"Then, it's settled. I'll think about what we should bet on" Miya said as he grabbed my uncle's little fox and snuggled with it before the fox jumped on me and snuggled onto my neck. Miya cooed at this before then taking his leave as we were still left stunned at what just happened.

And with that, the day went on, my friends and I went to chill at my house. It was already close to sunset and we had spent most of the afternoon watching The Mandalorian and talking.  I was sitting between Reki and Langa but Reki laid his head on my lap while Langa laid his head on my shoulder.

It felt nice being with them two. I was being cuddled by the boys and I was like a small cuddly teddy bear. This felt nice, being close to my two favorite people but I can't help but feel a warm bubbly feeling whenever we have moments like these. It scares me...


Reki chose to practice at the S race tracks during the day time for us to get the hang of it more here. The sound of our skateboard wheels rolled fastly on the ground as the winds brushed onto us. I wore a casual outfit today since I was feeling a bit lazy to go all out today.

I skated on my f/c longboard that my uncle had given me. I had a bunch of art and stickers and some neat art under the board that Reki had helped put. On the top of my board, there was a wave design in between. I had one small printed drawing on the front edge of my board, it was a drawing I did, a little chibi versions of Reki, Langa, and I.

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