Meet Houndour

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3rd POV Akame

Timeskip to about six years...

"I'm not going into the Pokeball!" A certain dark/fire type Pokemon snarled dangerously even as five other Pokemon glared at him in warning.

"Then I won't force you," Akame responded in her "natural tongue", making the Houndour sputter in absolute surprise.

"Y-you speak?!" The canine Pokemon asked surprised.

Akame nodded. Despite the fact she now speaks human rather well, it is not to say she's 100% fluent in doing so. Still, she never forgot her "native" language with her brethren.

Mama (Akame's first human word for Delia) took her and her five "siblings" to nature preserves and habitats so they would never forget from whence they came.

The Zorua rolled her eyes at Akame's "official starter". "Why of course she can!" She snarked at him. "She's one of us, after all!"

Akame blew a breath as she reminisced the earlier happenings from this morning....

Flashback to just a few hours ago....

Akame got up early as she wanted to avoid running into Gary Oak as she was ready to go on her journey.

Despite getting along well with her new family, Akame had trouble connecting with kids her age.

Part of it was because, thanks to receiving her memories from her past life, she was smarter than most kids, even the oh-so-famous Gary Oak.

However, despite having her memories of her former life (which included speaking the human language), she had trouble communicating effectively with others. Understanding the language was one thing; speaking it, especially effectively, was a different matter altogether.

Not only that, her intelligence also attracted negative attention. Of course most bullies backed off, either by looking at her eyes as she glared at them, or she simply fought them off. Be it just using her bare hands or knocking them upside the head with the hilt of Murasame.

Arceus forbid she uses the blade itself....

Thanks to her intelligence, she managed to grab the attention of one Professor Samuel Oak, the Kanto region Pokemon Professor.

He's also a close friend of Delia. So when he heard about her adopting a child from the forest, naturally he wanted to know more. Along with the Pokemon seemingly attached to the girl's hip.

However, when he went to try to study them, Akame and her "siblings" reacted negatively. Akame had literally hissed at him, bringing her siblings close in a protective hug.

After Delia explained Akame's "origins" Prof. Oak became understanding of her overprotective nature.

Eventually as time went on, Akame grew to like the Professor if only a little. Of course, she still gave him warning glances now and again if she spotted him near any of her brothers and sisters. But aside from that she's okay with him.

Especially after he let her into the Pokemon Corral to see the Pokemon in his roster and from other trainers he's sponsoring.

That fascination grew when she stopped a herd of rampaging Tauros in their tracks with just a simple glare of her ruby red eyes.

Not only that, Delia often told him and showed him various pictures and videos of Akame being surrounded by various Pokemon, whether she'd be taking a nap under a tree or she's camping outside with them (which spurred both of them to go buy her camping gear and Delia to teach her some recipes for various foods when camping out).

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