Chapter 3

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I could see inside the flat and it was possibly one of the dustiest places I had ever seen. Thin layers coated the books and magazines that lay on the table. The man that I now knew to be Sherlock had lowered the violin from his chin and was gazing out of the window but I could tell that he was listening in. Another man, the small one from last night, whom I presumed to be John, was sat in a chair facing Sherlock with his face buried into a newspaper. He was completely oblivious to my presence but Sherlock was not. Sherlock was waiting for me to make a move and I was happy to comply.

"Nice playing." I complimented. The sound of my voice had alerted John that I was there and he jumped about a foot into the air as his head snapped around to face me.

"Thanks, an you are?" Sherlock rotated

"Sarah Cook."

"My name is Sher-"

"Sherlock, I know." I cut him off

"Yes, Sherlock Holmes. How did you know that? You only moved here yesterday. But then again I expect that newspapers are widely read in Brighton since you have very little better to do there." wow, he was good, if not a little rude. I could tell by the way he was so sure of what he said that he was self-confident on an unhealthy level. Time to bring him down a notch, I thought.

"No, actually Mrs Hudson told me," Sherlock's face drained of all smugness that it previously held, "She also told me that you, John Watson, were an army doctor." I turned my attention from one gawping face to another. John looked mesmerized but snapped out of it when he realised that I was talking to him.

"Sorry, what?" he asked

"You were an army doctor I understand."

"I still am. Well, not in the army; just.... A doctor."

"Good. In that case I believe that your services are required." with that Doctor Watson shot up from his seat with a sense of urgency

"Who? What's happened?"

"Oh, nothing serious. Mrs Hudson was nearly attacked. I just wanted to get her checked over and make sure that she's ok." at the mention of Mrs Hudson's name Sherlock recuperated from his state of shock.

"Mrs Hudson? Is she ok? Where is he?"


"The attacker."

"Why did you presume it was a man? Sexist pig." I took a breath and looked to John, "Shall we?". As we left the flat Sherlock shouted after us

"I'll phone Lestrade, Sarah make sure the attacker hasn't gone. John, just... Do what you doing anyway.". Sherlock was right, I had to make sure that this guy didn't escape before Lestrade got here, whoever he was.

"Hey John!?" I called to Mrs Hudson's flat where Doctor Watson was stationed

"Yes?" John replied

"Who the hell is Lestrade?"

"Greg Lestrade. He's a detective inspector at Scotland Yard."

"Oh, ok." Sherlock had some pretty impressive connections.

I got inside the still unlocked Speedy's just in time to find crazy face groaning as he struggled into a sitting position. Looking around in an effort to find anything to knock him back into unconsciousness, I spotted a scattered napkin dispenser on the floor to my right. Perfect. Silently, I knelt down and stretched out my to grasp my weapon of choice. I then made my way over to the man who was now in the same position that I was mere moments ago and getting ready to stand up. Tapping on his shoulder I made my presence known. He looked up at me groggily.

"Nothing personal," I slammed the shiny metal dispenser into the side of his skull, knocking him out cold, "But nobody attacks my boss.". Just then I heard the police sirens that had steadily been approaching  arrive outside the shop. "That must be Lestrade." I said to myself. At that moment someone burst though the door. I turned around to see Sherlock and a man with whom I had not yet been acquainted. This must be Greg Lestrade.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked me

"Batman." Lestrade just looked at me with confusion, "Just kidding, but I wish I was."

"This is Sarah Cook, my new neighbour. She lives across the road." Sherlock interceded my conversation with the D.I.

"And who's that?" Greg pointed to the dude who was splayed across the floor behind me

"That's the attacker I called you about." Sherlock explained

"Is he de-" I stopped Lestrade mid-sentence

"Nope, just, shall we say, sleeping. Don't worry, he'll wake up in about an hour with a very bad headache but he'll still remember what happened. At least I hope he will." grinning, I finished my sentence and walked towards the men that were lingering in the doorway making sure to put down my weapon as I went. One of them was smirking, the other was gawping at me as if I'd just spoken Latin, "He's all yours Detective Inspector.". I sauntered out of the door with Sherlock by my side and a smug grin on my face leaving Lestrade to do his job.

"I'm impressed." Holmes said as we made our way back into 221B

"With what? My weapons skills?" I asked as he opened the door and allowed me to enter first

"No. You managed to render Lestrade speechless. That is an impressive feat, he usually never shuts up." we laughed in unison, "Although I have to admit that your skills with a napkin dispenser are admirable."

Upon entering Mrs Hudson's ground floor dwelling everyone in the room, including the two medics that had joined our companions, stopped to look at me and Sherlock. We immediately ceased our laughter. John was looking at us with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. Mrs Hudson had a slight smirk on her wrinkly face as if she expected this to happen.

"What? What's going on? Why are you all looking at us like that?" Sherlock panicked, "John what's going on?" aww, it was cute how Sherlock looked to John for help.

"Nothing, its just... Nothing." Dr Watson grinned like a Cheshire cat

"John, tell me. Now." Sherlock demanded

"Its just, we've never seen you get so comfortable around someone so quickly. Not even me. I mean, you've barely known her an hour and you're already pretty pally." John explained.

"Don't worry Tiny," I retorted, "You're still his number one guy." winking, I left the room and climbed the stairs to the boy's flat. "I'll put the kettle on!" I called from the top of the stairs.

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