Chapter 16

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Hey guys! This one is kind of a filler chapter. I got writers block so it's kind of short but I hope you enjoy none the less.

As soon as I'd finished hiding my grotty clothes behind the elegant suits that Mycroft had provided I checked the time on the only item that wasn't from the 19th century (apart from the plug sockets)- an alarm clock with red LED numbers on it. That told me that it was quarter to two. My stomach growled and I decided that it was probably best to eat something before my belly erupted like Mount Vesuvius, so I departed from my room in search of the kitchen.

I was snooping around the mansion and had stopped to gaze at the grandeur of the dining room. The table took up nearly the entire length of the room, leaving small walkways at the ends and sides to allow for movement. It reminded me of the tables that you see in Dracula films with its massive, high backed chair at the head of the table. Backing up, I moved to exit the room but walked into a solid figure instead. I turned around to see what was blocking my path and came face to face with Mycroft.

"Oh, sorry Mycroft. I was just trying to find the kitchen. Can't keep a girl from her food." I laughed nervously; I was met with a blank face. Clearly humour was not one of the Holmes brothers' strongest suits. "I'll just get going." I excused myself but failed to reached the door before Mycroft bellowed

"No you won't."

"I'm sorry?" I asked

"You won't go to find the kitchen for two reasons. One: There are chefs that make our food, there is no need for you to do it as well and two: You have some paperwork to sign before you can start working for me officially.". I turned around to face him with an eyebrow raised


"Yes. Now if you'll follow me."

"O- of course. But what about food?"

"You can eat when we're done.". Nodding, I returned to his side and followed him through the hallways and into what I presumed was a meeting room. It had a similar table (that was about half the size of the one in the dining room) and decorations with the exception of two huge stone statues of knights riding horses either side of the head of the table and two high- backed mahogany chairs facing a large fireplace at the opposite end of the room.

Mycroft pulled out a chair for me to the side of the one that he proceeded to sit in. "I'll need you sign here, here and here confirming that you will keep all work that you are involved in confidential and that you aren't a spy, terrorist or otherwise." Mycroft explained as he slapped a wad of papers and forms in front of me with a pen and watched as I read everything carefully, signing as I went along.

After what felt like an eternity of reading, signing and turning pages I finally filled out the last form and handed the stack back to my now- employer.

"It's a pleasure to have you on board Sarah." Mycroft remarked before standing up and stalking out of the room. As soon as I was alone in the dingy room my mind automatically went somewhere that I really didn't want it to: What was Sherlock doing right now?

I decided to skip food. I didn't have an appetite anymore. Instead, I went up to my room and read away my time with a copy of Wuthering Heights.

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