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That was the start of our friendship...

I became a regular visitor there.

I must say! It's just because of her that I started reading fictions ,poetry and everything that came under the category of fantasy and imagination....

Everytime I visited... she would lent me one of her books and I would return them a week later...

When we meet we talk about the books we read...

Sometimes during discussions, we start talking about something and then end up in a different thing. We were never out of subject to talk... but never did we gossiped nor judged.

Imagination and creativity opened their doors in front of me.

She really bought me to a world I have never been to.... A world where fantasy ruled! It was fun and refreshing there...

We just discussed a lot! Even she helped me understand many poems..

She never taught me but narrated what the author wanted to share, and in addition she would tell me her own creative thoughts and ideas...and to be honest it was more interesting and simple!

Most of the times, It was her who did most of the talking; taking me to different worlds...

And frankly speaking I never felt bored but more and more curious!

We used to meet every evening for about an hour...but then came the boring disasters; extra classes, home works and assignments.....And yeah after that we only met during weekends. But everyday Vio would be there in front of the gate to wave at me on my way to school. But one day when she was waving I got struck into this thought! Why have I never seen her on uniform?

And next time when I saw her I thought of asking...

' You go to school right!?'

'No.. I have never been to one!' she said in a plain voice while searching for a book on her shelf.

' What!? But why?!'

' I only have home tuition...I have never been to school in my entire life! Actually I can't... coz I'm sick...' she said and looked at me.

For a moment I felt sorry for her and she said she was sick!? What was actually the disease she was suffering from!? I wanted to ask....but I never did... What if it hurted her! So I didn't..

Even today I don't know what she was suffering from; but all I know was that she was sick!

I always felt she was different from my other friends.... She never wanted to know personally about me nor wanted me to invade into her private life with questions...All she wanted was to talk and share with me her ideas and also narrate different stories... Actually that's what I too loved...;

We never discussed our real lives, but were in a mission to conquer the world of fantasy.

One day she told me a story about a girl and her teddy bear...

The girl had no friends and was soo sad that she had no one to play with...

But then her mother gave her a brown teddy to play with and she became so happy!

She named it 'Little Ted'

Later on the girl never felt lonely since she played and talked and shared everything with her Little Ted.

And for a reason I felt like, I was like Little Ted to Violetta...

I felt like she was happy after we became friends... I have never seen her smile before but now she smiles a lot! And I think nobody would pretend that way especially Vio!

ViolettaWhere stories live. Discover now