Chapter 7

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Adam Rutherford POV:

The exact moment I was thinking about her, her coffee splashed all over me. I looked at her to see her surprised and muttering apologies. The hot liquor burned my chest. I was too lost in my thoughts to notice if someone was coming.

"You are aware Miss Parker that I have a class in two minutes," I hissed at her while intensely looking at her. 

She gulped and slowly nodded, "I do." 

Ignoring her I made my way to the office. God, I have a class in two minutes. I quickly took off my stained shirt and looked for the spare one that I keep here just in case of any emergencies. I glanced behind my back to see Elena astonished and a bright shade of pink stained her cheeks. 

I questionably looked at her waiting if she has anything to say, and that's when a voice broke the silence. 

"Hey, Mr. Rutherford," a brown ginger hair boy said. His eyes are open wide and so was Elena. He silently looked between us the two. Right, he is going to assume something unpleasant. 

"Okay, guys enough staring, it's class time," I quickly reminded them after putting on a clean shirt. I made my way to the door and Elena and her what I think was her friend James, followed. I headed the way while they stayed behind. 

"What the hell is going on?" I heard James hissing behind my back. 

"Not now James," Elena replied with desperation. 

"Are you serious Elena? this is illegal," he said, even when Elena clearly doesn't want to talk about it. I guess she didn't tell her friends about the deal and everything. This girl can't stop surprising me. She is indeed smart and mature.

However, I don't think I can trust women again. I got betrayed once, I don't want to repeat the mistake twice. Shaking off the memory I opened the class knob and entered the room. Elena and James followed and took a seat. 

I raised my gaze towards the class but my eyes settled on her. Her simple white dress, her black hair that loosened on her shoulder, is something that I haven't noticed before. She is a different kind of beauty. 

I looked away from her, surprised by my own self. Since when did I care about women? or noticed their prettiness.

The students were looking at me expectedly. "Okay, so for today's class we will have a general idea about 19th-century literature, but before we do that let me ask you first about what was the trend in literature at that time?" 

I asked, but no one raised their hands. Great, this is going to be a tough semester for them. I will make sure that they remember my face for as long as they lived. I am not a horrible person but I can't deny that I like to see my students suffer, in the way of knowledge. 

Okay then, "Miss Parker!" I stated her name to answer, it is time to test my soon to be wife knowledge. Depend on what I heard yesterday, she is teacher's favorite. 

She seemed astonished for a second but then stood up, "Realism," she answered confidently and sat. 

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise, "That's right, most authors of the century headed towards contemporary life and society as it was. Now, another question, name a few of the nineteenth-century authors?" 

Again no answer, it seems that I will be teaching this class a lot this semester. Their general knowledge of the major is weak. I wandered my gaze but everyone was avoiding my stare. A small smile crept on my face, this is going to be fun. 

All the students are now standing except for Elena Parker. I gestured to her to stand. 

"Jane Austin, Anne Bronte, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Lewis Carol, Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy," she paused for a second, "And Guy de Maupassant," she said in a french accent. "More?" her left eyebrow arched. 

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