Chapter 11

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Elena Parker POV:

My heart is still broken. James didn't show up to classes, he didn't want to see me. There is still some hope that I cling to, wishing that James will believe and understand my situation. I miss him a lot, I didn't know that starting the day without his jokes will be this hard.

'I will pick you at 7' my phone ringed at Adam's message. Right, so I need to meet his family today, it will be a really bad first impression of my condition. I am losing my best friend, or maybe I already lost him. I just want to crawl in my bed and cry myself to sleep.

"You need to get ready," Laura says while opening my closet. "Okayyy, Ummm I don't think you have something nice to wear."

"What? no, I have a couple of decent dresses," I exclaimed. She looked at me as if I grew horns on my head. "well, it's the first time for his family to see you. You need something impressing."

I sighed and crossed my arms. "Okay, what do you suggest?" I asked, waiting for her response. She closes her eyes to think, and when she reopened them a silly look rested on her face.

As if I knew what she was thinking about, "No way, am not wearing that dress," I said while madly glaring at her.

"But you didn't even wear it once," she stated. "Are you really gonna save it for your soulmate, the man of your dreams," she added with a pointed look.

She has a point though, I saved the expensive dress for two years, maybe it's not meant to be saved anymore. My mother did this as well. She kept a beautiful dress for the right moment. My father told me that she kept it until she felt one day that she wanted to wear it.

She believed that wearing the dress when she felt to, will be the time she meets her other half. She met my father that day, and she knew that he was the man, she waited for.

When I was 17, my father told me about it. I was startled at first but then I wanted to do the same. I was shopping randomly one day when my eyes landed on a black lace gown. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

The price tag though was way more than I can afford, but my father bought it for me. He said that I can save it for the right day just as my mom did.

My eyes watered after recalling the memory. Laura clapped her hands and I snapped. "Well, are you going to wear it?" she asked.

"I don't know, this dress is special more than you think," my gaze rested on her face. "I guess some things aren't destined to happen."

Laura nodded her head and took the dress out of the closet. "Well, then hurry up you only have one hour to get ready."

I had a quick shower and blow-dried my hair. Laura curled my black hair while I put on some makeup. I quickly blended gold and brown eyeshadow, and draw a thick black eyeliner. Finishing the look with nude lipstick.

I sighed at my reflection, as much as I feel sad for wearing the dress and not waiting for the right time, I don't feel too bad. Reminding myself why I have to do this, I breathed and put on my black heels. My screen time shows 6:50.

He will be here soon. Laura dreamily looked at me, "You look like a queen," she said.

I smiled at her, "Thanks to you."

"James called today," Laura said quietly.

My heart jolted with hope and fear at the same time, "And?"

She looked at me for a while, "He asked about you."

"He did?" I asked with excitement. Laura nodded, "He asked if you were doing fine, and nothing more."

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