Chapter 10

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Elena Parker POV:

My head pounded with pain, and my eyesight is fogy. I brushed my fingers across my eyes and tried to adjust where I was. This is not my room, and I'm not on my bed. Panic kicked through me when memories of last night came rushing. 

A kiss. 

The memory of me kissing someone hit me and the realization of what I did made me nearly jump from my place. "Oh shit, oh shit," I murmured cursing. Who the heck I kissed though? I wonder. 

A dark hair, blue eyes. Oh god! oh god, what have I done? I looked around me looking for him until the sound of dishes regarded me behind my back. I froze for a minute before turning. I sighed and looked at where he was standing with a spoon in his hand. 

"Good morning," he said with a deep voice that sent chills through my spine. His white shirt sleeves rolled, his hair neatly brushed and styled as if he walked off a magazine. He is indeed gorgeous. 

"Good morning," I regarded back. The memory of my lips resting on his made my cheeks warm. I avoided looking at him, and that's when I notice that I'm still wearing my dress. That relieved me for a second. I can't believe I kissed him, what kind of drink I had last night, I want to slap myself so hard.

He carried on stirring his coffee. I stopped myself to think about what to say, but nothing came. My mind was blank except for the memory of his soft lips. What the hell I was thinking about. As if he knew I couldn't find anything to say, "You missed your classes." 

I facepalmed myself when I realized it is nearly afternoon, and I never missed my lectures before. 

"Yes, right, umm...." I trailed before adding, "Regarding last night, I apologize if I said or did anything....." I couldn't say it so I stood gazing at the floor as if it is the most interesting thing in the world. I felt sick for what I did, I hated this man. We only have a deal and nothing more, I wonder if he thought ill about me. 

"Nevermind, I'm not a man who would take advantage of a drunk woman," he stated and raised his mug to take a sip. His gaze that rested on me was blank and it sent chills through my spine. 

I didn't have anything to say, it is that kind of a situation where you want the floor to sink you in. My hand went to my hair, and it felt like a bird's nest. "I didn't know that you go to places like the Millwards," Adam said with a curious look. 

"You know me for three days, " I exclaimed feeling frustrated. He looked at me for a second before he laughed and nod his head, "Of course, I was just curious nothing more". 

I sighed and recalled that I'm married to this man, and it was a bitter truth that even last night's drinks didn't make me forget about it, inversely it made me kiss him. I reached for my phone across a coffee table. Missed calls from Laura and James. 

"Before I forget, I want to inform you that we will meet my family this weekend," Adam said. My eyes widened in surprise, I didn't expect this. "Okay," although I don't want to see people, this is part of the deal. This man paid my father's debut for things in return, this is no charity. 

"I'm leaving," I said while looking for my heels. 

"I will message you to inform you of the time, " Adam said and slightly smiled. 

Adam Rutherford is every girl's dream, his handsome feature and gentleman's behavior impress everyone. But for me, it is a deal that makes me feel horrible and cheap as if I was sold to him. I wanted to smile back but I couldn't, instead, I slightly nodded and made my way towards the door. 

I left his apartment and decided to walk to the campus since it is twenty minutes away. The ringtone of my phone cut my thoughts. Its James. 

"Hi," I said and tried to sound cheerful. His voice regarded me, "I need to see you now!" James demanded furiously. 

"Okay," but he ended the call. My heart sank. James doesn't get angry easily there must be something. Did he found out about the deal and all? I murmured prayers while speeding my pace, this shoe is making me no good. 

It took me forever to reach the dorms. I knocked on our room door and wished that Laura is there because I don't have my keys. The door opened, Laura was standing wearing her same dress as last night. 

"Where the hell have you been?" Laura asked. "I called you many times last night, security guards came and I thought they took you". 

"I'm fine, I was with...." I couldn't say it. Laura looked at me to carry on. "with Adam." 

She raised her brow and slightly smiled. "Before you make any scenarios, he came last night and took me from the Millwards because guards were coming, I stayed at his apartment and that's all," I said. 

"Okay," she stated simply and laughed. I questionably looked at her, "James called me and he sounded mad. He said he wanted to see me immediately," I worriedly said. 

"James was mad," Laura knotted her eyebrows. "I don't know," she raised her shoulders. 

Opening my closet I took off a white t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. My hair was a nest on my head, and  I quickly ran a hairbrush through it. Grabbing my phone and keys, I left the room. 

why James was mad? did he find out that I got married?

I stumbled across a figure and made me notice that I reached the campus. I looked at my phone screen to text James, but it was no need. 

"Did you had fun last night?" his voice regarded me, but it was venomously the way he talked. Had fun? I looked at him questionably, "What that suppose to mean?" I asked. 

"You know exactly what I mean Elena," he gazed at me intensely. "I was there last night. I saw you leave with Mr.Rutherford," he carried on. 

My eyes widened but not in surprise, but the fact that what I feared had happened. "It's not what it looks like," I barely said. 

"Oh, really then what is it ?" he sarcastically spoke. My heart wrenched at the way he talked and looked at me. This is not my best friend James that I know, this is someone else. He would hate me if I told him about what I have done, I might lose him forever. 

I took a deep breath, "I married him." 

James's eyes widened. He is stunned, his lips a thin line. I wanted him to get mad, to scream, to say anything. But James silently looked at me sadly, his eyes were dim. "Please say anything," I pleaded. 

He shook his head, "why?" his voice broke. 


James sat in front of me at the grass of the yard. I told him everything, starting from Adam's proposal to me leaving his apartment this morning. His face is hollow, I can't read it. He didn't believe me. 

My eyes watered, waiting for his response. He stood and left, and that's it. I lost my best friend this easily, and he didn't believe me. His silence said everything. 

My legs felt weak, I couldn't stand. Sobs escaped through my lips, tears ran across my face. Never in my life, I felt this horrible, not even when I married Adam. James is my first love and childhood friend. 

This couldn't be real, I felt like I wanted to scream. A cool breeze blew my hair and that's when I saw him standing. Adam's gaze settled on me. 

 He stood with his hands in his pocket, "I'm sorry." 

"Don't be," I said shakily. The last thing I want right now is to be pitied by Mr.Rutherford, my dear husband.  

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