We meet again

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[Before we start this chapter I'd like to mention that this contains heavy Nazi Propaganda. I do not support the Nazi party in any way, shape or form, it is merely there to support the story. If these themes disturb you in anyway, please skip this chapter.]



The sensation of weightlessness filled them, As three bodies came tumbling down to earth, eventually crashing on a grassy field in a mound; various voices echoed around them.

"Where the hell are we...?" An Italian accented man groaned, clambering off of the stack, smacking the others in the face in the process.

"Don't ask me." A muffled Japanese woman bellowed, her head was sat on that of a German man, whose belt was smooshing her face.

She wiggled out of the gap then letting other man's face quickly hit the floor with a grassy thud.

"Thanks. Appreciate it." The German responded with sarcasm dripping off of every word. He edged his way up to a kneeling position and glanced around.

He almost fell back onto his back when he noticed everything around him, he gestured towards his friends, they too were in disbelief.

"Uhm... Imperial.. Do you know where we are?" The Italian queried in a strained voice, he hadn't released his breath yet.

Imperial shook her head getting onto her feet only to stumble around like a drunken person as vertigo hit.

"Reich? Do you know where we are?" The Italian asked his other friend

Reich simply shook his head kicking a metal bin in frustration. He observed his surroundings more thoroughly.

All the humans were in bright clothing, most of which were casual. The roads were slightly wider, filled with shiny colourful cars with arched roofs, some even made some impressive growls, like a revving tank.

The streets were bustling with life, children, adults and the elderly wandered around living their lives as usual.

"Huh..." Reich shrugged, stumbling back slightly, he has gotten up onto his feet and was now standing upright in a puzzled daze.

He spun around to his friends with a confused expression. The other two looked back at him, also questioning their surroundings.

"Any Ideas Fascist?" He asked his friend who stepped away raising his hands as if he was surrendering.

The three began to creep forward awkwardly as everyone around them began to pause in their tracks and give the three strange, sometimes frightened or furious looks.

The countries were getting anxious as more and more of the people they past began to stare.

"Why are they staring?" Fascist murmered, slacking behind them, his two friends simply shrugged now suddenly uneasy as a crowd had gathered.

"Why not a snack?" Imperial jolted in, the trio were now bundled up in a tight circle, trying to keep their full attention off the people.

"Mmm, yeah, I'm a little peckish.." The Italian said patting his stomach. The German man looked around him, there didn't seem to be any food places worth going to.

"Excuse me sir?" Reich asked a man, abnormally confident. The man took one gaze at the other before him and instantly went pale.

"Could we have directions to the nearest restaurant or café?" He asked politely.

There was no response. He just stared at him with an expression of shock and horror stitched into his face.

"T-They should be in t-the... Uhm... Up town!" He yelped, dashing away In the opposite direction.

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