Through the eyes of a dead man

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Russia's POV

"So, what do we do now?" America asked, stacking books back on the bookshelf.

We needed to tidy up after the light show that Germ's necromancy stone gave us.

Prussia was telling us in more detail of what we needed to do now that dead countries were apparently "here".

"They'll most likely be unaware that they've died," Prussia stated, placing some figurines back on the mantel piece.

"As far as they're concerned, they fell asleep and woke up in a totally different place."

"They'll also arrive back on Earth where they died or close to there." He continued.

Germany's head perked up from under the table.

"So... Everyone? Like, every country that's ever died?" He dramatically questioned.

Prussia simply have a confirming nod in his direction.

"EVENFROMTHEBCEERA!?" He screeched. His great grandfather gave another confirming nod.

I could see that Germany was a few surprising words away from a heartattack.

"We need to find Everyone?" Nada asked climbing out of the fake tree with help of Poland.

"Only people that we know can help us. We may to remind them that they've died and how. But, that comes later."

"How come you know that you've died then?" Canada asked.

"I came here before the activation of the Jade, so I still have the memories of Post Mortem."

"What's Post Mortem?" I pondered, staring at the ceiling.

"After death." He answered, almost instantly

Prussia stretched his wings in a sudden motion, straightening the pitch black feathers. They were majestic, like that of an eagle, but they reminded me of my great grandfathers wings. R.E; although I'd only seen him in

"What is after death?" Poland asked, jumping to fix a painting.

He too was eyeing the Germans wings aswell, he stared upon them with sadness in his eyes, but it was tinged by jealousy.

"The place you go after you die..." Prussia answered sarcastically.

"But if you mean looks, then multiple buildings which look pretty much identical to each other, similar to a classy 1930s hotel." He continued.

Prussia, then directed his vision back onto his great grandson, who seemed to be contemplating every bad thing that he's ever done.

"Deutschland, why don't you make a small spreadsheet on all our relatives, so we know who to collect?"

He snapped out of his trance with a puzzled look on his face.

"A spreadsheet?" He mimicked.

"Yes, with pictures... It goes: You, your father, my father, his father... And so forth."

Germany sat on the floor in a daze.

"Alright!" He slapped his thighs, creaking up from his cross-legged position.

I still find it hard to believe that countries that have been dead for centuries are among us now, but here he is, Prussia, a country that supposedly died almost 200 years ago!

(Few moments of confused screaming later...)

Once we had finished cleaning out the living room, Germany and me brought Prussia to his room.

Ame, Poland and Nada were in the living room working on their family trees.

"Could this do for now?" Germs asked politely, holding a hand out to direct his great grandfather.

Prussia's eyes scanned the room, it certainly wasn't a very spacious room, like he was used to.

"This should do just fine, thank you." He smiled warmly, stumbling towards the bed and collapsing on it, sending a huge  cloud of dust into the air, before disappearing into the small slivers of light creeping through the cream-coloured drapes.

Germs waved off Prussia and headed into the living room to work on his spreadsheet with the others.

I hovered over the doorframe, observing him closely.

Prussia didn't have anything on him besides his uniform and a small black and white picture, framed in a beautifully patterned casing.

He gently placed it down on the bedside table, wiping it clean from any dust or dirt particles.

There was a woman in the photo, her smile was bright, full of life and hope.

She was wearing a frilled dress, the color drained out of the black and white copy.

"I see you..." He stated coldly, his words turned my blood to ice.

I edged into the room some more, stiffly placing myself down onto a chair. He  eyed me with suspicion.

"I assume you stayed to enquire something...?" He addressed, tilting his head slightly in my direction.

I nodded hesitantly, lifting my arm and poining to the photo. Prussia's eyes trailed my fingers.

"Who is that?" I faultered

"My dear Alina..."  He mumbled, placing his hand around the frame.

He Caressed her face in the picture. Shimmering tears Began to well up in his eyes, he hastily wiped them away before they could go running down his face like a waterfall.

"Her smile could brighten up even the dullest if rooms, her laughter could bring one who is so deep in depression, out of the void and her voice... Her voice could sooth the symptoms of the plague, it could clean even the most stubborn blood-stains on a king's sword..." His voice trailed off into nothing.

He took a few shakey sharp breaths, his eyes switching between me and the photo.

"She was the love of my life... But unfortunately humans do not last too long..." He paused again, staring at the carpet with a stone-cold expression.

"I wish she could have been there while  her baby was growing up... She would have been so proud-" his voice cut off into an inaudible whimper.

"She died when GE was only 3 years old."

"How?" I queried again, inching closer. Suddenly, the sobbing had ceased, we were now sitting in utter silence, his body tensed Up as he spun around to face me.

There were still tear stains marked on his face and his cheeks were still red and puffy.

He glared me down with a piercing, fiery glare like an emerald green inferno had just been ignited inside of him.

He rose from the bed, and stared me dead in the eyes before answering.

"Your Grandfather."


Haha, mental state go brrr.

Sorry this took so long, forgive me...?

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