Chapter 16 - Mess

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"No Charles, we're not going to the beach! And we're also not going anywhere else." Max scolded, putting an arm around his boyfriend's shoulders. "You know just as well as I do, that Arthur and Lando are probably venturing around Monaco at the moment and don't want to be disturbed by you. So we're going to stay right here on my couch for the rest of the day."

Charles frowned and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "But-" His protest was muffled by Max' lips kissing him softly.
"No but! Well, yes maybe there will be some butt involved later, but we're definitely staying here." The Dutchman smirked at his own pun, even though Charles was still not convinced.

"How did you know I wanted to see what those two are up to?" Charles pouted.
"Because I'm an protective older brother myself and as your boyfriend I'd say I know you pretty well by now." Max untangled Charles' arms to hold his hand before adding "And maybe Lando also texted me to stop you from cock-blocking.", with a teasing grin on his face.

"Cock-blocking? Oh my god, Lando is probably fucking my little brother right in this moment!" The Monegasque's mouth hung open now, his eyes wide with shock. He couldn't handle the image that had just snuck into his mind.

"Oh come on, it's Arthur and Lando! I'd be surprised if they have done anything more than hold hands yet. You know how unexperienced and awkward they both are, when it comes to love and relationships." Max squeezed his boyfriend's hand a little and laughed.

"Also I think if they eventually do it, it would be Arthur who's fucking Lando."
Charles just made an indefinable noise at this and buried his face in Max' shirt, which only made the Red Bull driver laugh even more.


"Thank you for showing me around today, it was lovely." Lando smiled when they had arrived back in Arthur's bedroom. They were still holding hands, just like they had done almost the entire afternoon.

"I liked it, too." the Monegasque replied, gently running his thumb over the back of Lando's hand. "Can...can I tell you something?" he was looking down at their intertwined fingers now, nervously biting his lower lip.

"You know, you can always talk to me about anything, Arthur." Lando queezed his hand a little, trying to emphasize this promise.

"I love it when you say my name." the younger one blurted out. "Arthur." Lando repeated more slowly, a wide smile on his face now. "Was that what you wanted to tell me?"

"No, I..." Arthur let go of his hand now, to ruffle through his own hair and went to sit on the bed. The Brit followed him and sat down beside him, resting his hand on Arthur's knee after hesitating for a second.

"You drive me crazy. When I'm around you, one moment I'm more comfortable and confident than I've ever been and then you just have to look at me and suddenly I'm an awkward, stammering mess again and forget how to breathe. What are you doing to me?" The younger one almost sounded desperate now.

"The exact same thing you're doing to me apparently." Lando whispered with a soft smile, leaning a little closer, so he could lean his head onto Arthur's shoulder.

They sat like this for a while, simply enjoying each others company and gently stroking the other one's hand or arm every once in a while.

When Arthur let go of him and scooted further back, Lando was disappointed for a second. He didn't want this to stop. Being so close to the other just felt so good.

But then he realized, that Arthur had laid down on the bed and now opened his arms invitingly for him. For this, Lando didn't need telling twice. He almost leapt into Arthur's arms, cuddling up to him and resting his head on his chest, while the other chuckled at his sudden enthusiasm and wrapped his arms tightly around him.

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