Taste of Sky by ventrecanard

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Author: VentreCanard
Genre: Science Fiction
Read: 45.7 M

Most women fall for engineers, doctors, lawyers, architects and businessmen but in my case? I fell in love with an astronaut.

So I've already read this story before it even blooms, 2018 I think. It was only on 1M reads that time but I'm already captivated with the plot. The way VentreCanard wrote it was impressive, I can literally picture every scene on my mind. It feels like I'm in there and I can feel all their hardships and emotions. This story was so heartbreaking, I remember reading the last five chapters outside our house while watching the sunset and crying my heart out. I cried for one hour because of this story. And whenever I look into the stars? I remember our Peter! Huhuhh

Because of Taste of Sky, I want to be a pilot!!!


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