Call Me Mayor by elyjindria

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Author: elyjindria
Genre: Romance
Read: 3.28 M

Arken Zaviere is the definition of a perfect mayor, he was the savior of Caloocan City. Aside from being strikingly handsome and intelligent, he was also known for being a competent mayor for providing the needs of everyone, saving every family from poverty, providing jobs for the jobless people, and giving college scholarships. Jonalyn 'Ayen' Macarios admired him ever since he became th mayor. Mayor Arken Zaviere is beyond perfect in her eyes until that ill-fated night in which she saw Mayor Arken Zaviere's dark nature.

I am such a huge fan of this author. She creates such wonderful pieces. Ate ely if you are reading this please notice me!! Char HAHAHAH. But seriously, this is such a masterpiece. It somehow reminds of my husband is a mafia boss, I don't know why HAHAHAH. If you want possessive yet loving protagonist, then you should definitely check her stories!!


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