rockabye •twenty-one

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DRAWING ROOM - Castle of King Eric and Queen Ariel

"WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS? HOW DARE THIS CHILD THINK THAT JUST BECAUSE SHE IS BEN'S LITTLE INFATUATION, SHE CAN GO AND ASK YOU FOR SUCH A REQUEST!" Ariel shouts. Serena returned home, telling her parents about her encounter with Mal. Ariel did not take it well, pacing around the room. Eric sat in his chair and watched his beloved wife. Serena sat beside him and watched her mother. Ariel turns to her family. "No doubt that Ben must have asked her to ask you. Both conspiring like wolves!"

"Ariel, you must calm down." Eric says softly as he stood up and walks over to Ariel. He wraps his arms around her and sways her side to side to calm her down. It must be working because Ariel only hummed for a few minutes.

"It's really not that big of a deal, mom. It doesn't sound like a bad idea..." Serena mutters at the end, but her mom heard. Ariel pulls away from Eric's arms and turns to her daughter.

"Do not let her fake kindness trick you, Serena! She does not care about Athena, she only wants to look good in front of the people." Ariel exclaims, looking stressed in the process. Serena sighs and looks away. What could she say?

Her mother was determined to keep Ben and Athena away from each other. Serena didn't see that as a right option. She would have let Ben get to know Athena early if she wasn't so worried. Mal being the big worry.

Daughter of Maleficent, formally tried to take the magic wand. Mal was a powerful fairy, like her mom use to be. Power like that can cause great good or great evil——that us what worries Serena and her family the most.

"Maybe that's not what she's doing, maybe she genuinely cares and wants peace." Serena trying to justify Mal's actions.

"She is the child of a villain. She's been raised thinking she should take over the world. Coronation Day proved that." Ariel says reminding her of that day.

"But she didn't take over. She fought Maleficent, she returned the wand. Maybe she just to see everyone happy with Athena knowing who her father is." Serena said. Ariel shuts her eyes and rubs her temple for a moment. She sits where her husband previously occupied and took Serena's hand.

"This girl will only cause trouble, starfish. As a mother, I have done my best to raise you and Melody and I have put you both first above anything else——"

"I know, mom, and I am grateful for that."

"If you know, then it is best you do the same." Ariel says. "Make Athena as your first priority. She will be queen one day. Whether it's here or Auradon."


"You are your sister's heir until the time comes where she has her own children." Ariel interrupts. "Athena is Crowned Princess of Auradon. If she is put in arms reach of that heinous girl, your daughter will be corrupted and used."

Serena listened carefully. Every word helped paint pictures of the possible future Athena had. One find with peace and synchronicity. Another with ruins and ashes. Serena feared that terrible future for her child. She had to put her daughter first above all else——even if that meant keeping the distance between a father and daughter.

Serena looks back at her mother and opens her mouth to say something when the doors open. Athena comes running in with a paper in her tiny hand and Melody and Louise following behind her.

"We're going to a party!" Athena announces and jumps into her grandfather's arms. Eric grabs the paper from Athena and reads it.

"More like a dinner." Louise corrects and sits down. Melody walks over to Ariel.

"It says it's by——"

"King Ben." Melody reveals. Ariel quickly takes the invitation from her husband. There it was written in ink, clear as day.

"King Eric, Queen Ariel, Crowned Princess Melody, Princess Serena, Princess Athena, Crowned Princess Consort Louise... Are invited to attend the dinner hosted by King Ben of Auradon..." Ariel reads. She was ready to throw the invitation into the fire when Athena spoke.

"Can we go?" She asks. Everyone saw the excitement on her face. She wanted to go to another party where there is food and other people to meet and play with. Ariel gives her a smile.

"It won't be fun, starfish. There won't be any other kids your age there." Ariel says. Though she did not know for sure, she still wanted her granddaughter to forget the idea. Athena looks at her mother with a questioning look.

"I pwomise to behave." Athena says. Serena stands and opens her arms out for Athena to be given to her. The little princess looks around at everyone. No one spoke up and it confused her.



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