Chapter 12

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I stare up at the large white underbelly of the Space Splitter, my entire body buzzing with anxiety and fear.

The momentary panic causes me to freeze but Lucian pulls us inside the ship immediately and starts firing up the engines.

"Strap in," He instructs as his fingers fly across the control board in a flurry of motion.

A clap of thunder rocks our ship from side to side and I look out the window to see the space splitter completely obliterating a staircase of rocks and all the makeshift houses that were lying there.

There are people running around frantically but some have got onto the other ships, some have already started lift off.

Our aircraft hovers for a mere second and Lucian pushes a lever making me fall back in my seat as the space craft zooms upwards, just in time to avoid another shot from the space splitter.

Lucian speaks into his communicator barking a dozen commands by the minute.

"We need back up! Send in five troops."

"Evacuate! Save as many ships as you can!"

"LX Squad? Are you clear?"

Remulus replies, telling us he is with Altair and the others and Lucian tells them he will confirm a location once we are clear.

"We'll try to evacuate as many as we can," Commander Rigel's voice booms through.

I stare at the hundreds of aliens and people who have not boarded any ships yet. Some are still running around frantically for a place to hide but the white beams of death from above are relentless.

They fire at our moving ship but Lucian swerves and avoids each shot expertly, like an insect escaping the rays of the sun.

I clutch the seat as my body swerves from side to side, there must be something I can do. I look around the ship we are in.

A bottle craft, small, oblong and easy to manoeuvre, my brain racks through memories of my training and if there is a weapon system.

Lucian shoots me a look of annoyance when he notices that I'm not strapped in but then I remember the weapons system in the in built computer.

I jump up, much to his dismay and activate the screen in the wall. I then load up the computer and wait for the laser handles to activate.

"Aria! Sit down and strap in!" Lucian shouts. He swerves again and I nearly fly to the back but I grab the handles which warm up in my hands once they have been activated.

"Go nearer to the ship," I say. I strap myself to the wall, my boots digging into the floor to keep steady.

"You're so stubborn," Lucian complains but he zooms up, avoiding two beams from smaller attacking crafts. He flies around the space splitter and about a dozen attacking crafts start pursuing us.

They shoot out smaller laser beams, but Lucian skirts around them and some of them hit the space splitter instead.

They stop shooting, some back up and fly away but Lucian remains flying along the underbelly of the massive craft.

"We'll be passing the engines in about five...four..three..two.."

My fingers clutch the handles so hard they begin to sweat.

"One," He says and I press down, firing at the engines repeatedly. The laser beams from our ship hit the smooth underbelly but they bounce off instead.

"They have their protective shields up," Lucian says in exasperation.

"I've got it covered," Remulus's voice suddenly crackles through the communicator.

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