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A person's soul has to find peace before moving on

A person's soul has to find peace before moving on

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harmony drove home not knowing what to do. She had never been to a party before Klaus never used to let her. He always said disappointments don't get to go to parties. She Envied him for that. She's lucky that she left that place when she did. she didn't realise she was home until she saw ace stood by the door a fuming look on his face

"now mind my language" he started "but where the fuck have you been?" "I know you said you were going to stiles house but it's been over an hour I'm debating whether or not I should ground you"

At that moment Estella couldn't take it anymore her head was pounding voices screaming around her she stumbled trying to get into the house. she felt like she had weights on her lungs not allowing her to breath. that's when she did it she screamed until she couldn't anymore. she fell onto her knees in exhaustion as black spots cover her eyes. She didn't even try to fight it she let it happen. then she collapsed. Before she fell to the ground Ace sped over to her catching her not letting her hit the hard ground. That's when he looked at her. She looked pale. She felt cold. She looked dead.

All his anger faded at that moment he couldn't lose her she was like a little sister to him. Dawn stood there not knowing what to do she witnessed the whole thing feeling powerless at that moment now she looked at her best friend. No her sister. laying there in Ace's arms lifeless she choked back a sob tears cascading her face as she ran over to Estella pleading for her to wake up. Her body getting colder and colder as the minutes pass by.

Ace could sill hear her heart but it was beating slower than it should be and slowing even more by the second. He picked her up gently not wanting to harm her and carried her up to her room before placing her lightly on the bed taking a moment to look at her lifeless figure a stray tear fell out of his eye. That's when he saw it angel wings on the side of her neck. his first thought was 'When the fuck did she get a tattoo' until he saw it glowing a bright white then he realised something was off and called the only person who could figure this our Deaton.

Just as Deaton arrived a familiar blue jeep pulled up to. Anxiously walking up to the door. Until he saw Deaton also going up to the large door. The stilinski boy was perplexed as to why Deaton was at the house. As stiles opened his mouth to speak Deaton spoke

"I don't think Estella will be joining you tonight stiles" Now the boy was even more confused and a sense of worry came over him

"w-why is she ok"

"I'm not too sure at the moment but I will soon find out now go find Scott I'm sure he needs your help"

Stiles didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay and see what was wrong with Estella. There was something about her that no one else had not even Lydia the girl he had been crushing on for years. Yes, Estella was hot but that wasn't it. It was like he was being drawn to her like magnets pulling towards each other. He just couldn't figure it out. He stood there as Deaton entered her home to go see Estella something he desperately wanted to do. But he knew he had to go find Scott so with a loud sigh he for back in his jeep and went to the party. Wishing Estell was sat next to him laughing at one of his Werewolf jokes even though they weren't as funny as she made them out to be. Estella was like a light every time she laughed or smiled he would feel warm on the inside. He had only known her for a week. But then again you had Scott and Allison looking all lovey-dovey at each other like they've known each other for years... So I guess it's ok. And with those final thoughts, he drove off

Deaton walked cautiously up the stairs and into Estella's room seeing the colourless body of Estella lying there brought many thoughts into his mind as he spoke

"is her heart still beating?"

"yes but it's getting slower by the second, please tell me you can save her"

"I might be able to if you tell me what you saw on her neck"

Ace just nodded and pushed Estella's hair out of the way to reveal the Angel wings outlined in white. Deaton stood there in shock, Never in his entire life has he seen these wings before. Only heard of them And spoke about them as they were a myth. But then again so were vampires werewolf and witches. he etched closer to her felt her ever-slowing heartbeat

"She's not dead and she's not going to die. Even if she looks dead she isn't. Her heartbeat may be slow but it won't stop. When her soul is ready to come back it will. Until then I'm afraid there is nothing I can do to help"

"what do you mean you can't fucking help her?! I've known Estella since she was an infant so don't give me this bullshit of 'when her soul is ready she will come back' because that means nothing to Me do you understand."

"you said you've known her since she was an infant but the night we met she didn't know you"

"That's a story for another time, Deaton, I'm not up to going down memory lane tonight"

Deaton nodded "call me if anything else happens" with that he left leaving an Angered Ace and A distraught Dawn.

Nobody knows what's happening to Estella, not even Deaton. He told Ace to keep this between the 3 of them and instructed Dawn to not tell Anyone what was going on. Especially Stiles. Deaton knew they had a connection but he just didn't know why?


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