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One's future is said to be set in stone like fate didn't exist, But what's the fun in life if you can't write your own future? 

One's future is said to be set in stone like fate didn't exist, But what's the fun in life if you can't write your own future? 

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Stiles and Estella were sleeping together leaning on each other looking couply. As they laid over a few chairs. Little did they know is that Melissa McCall was stood a few feet away from them sparing the 2 teens a few glances here and there with the thought of how fast they got on and how stiles finally got over his crush on Lydia who did not want to be with him to Estella a girl who took an interest in the sarcastic teenage boy.

  Lydia's father walked out of the room and pointed at the two teens "they've been here all night?" 

"Yes Estella has but Stiles" she motioned to the boy "he's been here all weekend" he looked at the teens with a questionable look on his face. Stiles pulled the redhead closer and mumbled incoherent words into her hair before shuffling and then finally waking up Estella along with him the two of them. 

"good morning Stella" the Stilinski boy greeted with a goofy smile one that I returned 

"wait what did you call me" she spoke as she recalled all her memories of Davina calling her that 

"oh, I'm sorry I didn't know. do you not like it I'm sorry I won't call you that again" he frantically spoke    

"No it's ok I like the name and I don't mind if you call me it's just no one has called me that in a while" she smiled at him she could the relief wash over his face and returned her smile.   

"Hey you want something to eat" she nearly nodded and Stiles grabbed her hand and they walked over to the vending machine making small talk on the way but stiles couldn't stop thinking about her reaction to him calling her Stella. They dint know the full story of why Stella moved and they believed that Ace and Dawn were her siblings. They had no reason to question her. Did they?

He shook the thoughts from his head and put the number for Reese's peanut butter cups but nothing happened "seriously" he turned to Stella with a deflated look 

"Sometimes I fucking hate vending machines" she spoke while going up to it and shaking it to no avail stiles helped and together they tipped the machine. They looked at each other Stella mumbling profanities at the machine until they heard a scream.

Lydia's scream.

They got up and ran while calling her name sprinting into her room and then the bathroom only to find it empty and the window open. 

Lydia had left the hospital completely naked. 

Stiles grabbed Lydia's hospital robe and called Scott Stella leading the way out of the hospital after Stiles got told by his dad to go home. Then stepped over the broken machine and Sella had to hold back a laugh. They got in Stiles' Jeep and Scott sat in the front waiting. He looked between his two friends  before speaking 

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