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"Y/n! I've missed you! I feel like we haven't talked in a least a week, if not more!" My aunt said on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, sorry about that, T. Things have been really hectic over here what with us making it into the semi finals. I haven't really had time to do anything but text you."

"You know your mom's been bugging me about you having stopped calling her two weeks ago. She's getting really worried because you haven't texted her or answered any of her calls. Is everything okay?"

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Yes, everything is fine, I'm just...I just don't really feel like talking to her."

"How come? Did she do something?"

"I don't know, I've just been thinking a lot lately, you know, and I'm realizing how tired I am of the whole situation. Like why can't she just be honest, you know? I've been here for seven months now. Is she that like...ugh. A few weeks ago I brought it up on a call and she shut me down right away, saying that we both knew it couldn't happen. I mean not only that, but you know she's going to have something to say about...you know, and I'm just not ready for that. I don't know, maybe I'm being stupid. I just sort of want her to leave me alone right now. If she tries to ask you about me, can you please just tell her not to worry, and that I'm fine?"

"You know I will, and I totally understand where you're coming from. I know it's difficult being in the position you're in with her, especially since that's how it's always been, and I'm hoping things will change soon. It's hard for your mom to be open and vulnerable, and sometimes she does stupid things. Of course, I'm not saying that the choices she's making are excused because of that, but I just want you to try and understand her perspective. But as I said, if she calls again, I'll throw her off the scent."

"Thank you, Taylor. I appreciate that. Well I've got to head out, we have a really early training tomorrow."

"Okay kid, I'll talk to you later. I'm so proud of you and the team, and I know for a fact that you'll crush England on Tuesday. Good luck to you, and I'm so happy for you and Alex, you two sound like you're incredibly happy, and I totally fucking knew she liked you."

The woman added, making me laugh.

"Yes, I know, you've said that many times. Thank you, though, and I love and miss you."

"I love and miss you too. I'll try to talk to your mom, but I can't guarantee that I can hold her off for very long. You know how she gets."

"Yeah. Well I appreciate that. Good night, T."

"Good night Y/n."

I hung up the call, exhaling a breath into the cold night air before turning around and walking back into the hotel.

I had been dealing with some family drama the last few days, and it was causing me stress during the time where that was the last thing I needed.

I felt better knowing that my aunt was there to help me, but I was still worried.

The semi finals game against England is in less than a week, and that thought both terrifies me, and exhilarates me at the same time. 

Who knew we'd make it this far in the world cup? My first world cup.

It honestly blows my mind to think that we are literally one game away from being in the finals, and two wins away from winning it all.

Just the idea of being able to come back home with the gold during my first year on the team is enough to cause heart palpitations, but the good kind, of course.

As I entered the first floor, I quickly noticed how quiet and deserted the place was.

I knew all of my teammates were already sleeping, or getting ready to do so, which I thought was a sensible thing to do considering we had to wake up at 5:30 tomorrow for a day of conditioning and strength training.

I took the elevator up to the second floor and tried to be as quiet as I possibly could while entering my hotel room, just in case Kelley was already asleep.

I wasn't too surprised to find her lying awake in her bed, eyes focused on her phone.

"Hey rookie, how's your aunt?"

I smiled, crossing the room to enter the bathroom and brush my teeth.

"She's good. She's excited about the game next week. Also why are people still calling me that? I've been on the team for over seven months now."

"Well yeah but you're still the rookie." The brunette reasoned without any actual explanation. "Anyway that's good about your family. You're surprisingly close to them. I mean, it's common for a lot of the new players to talk to their families a lot in their first years, but I've never met anyone who calls their mom and aunt every day. That's commitment."

I chuckled, squirting some toothpaste onto my tooth brush.

"Yeah, most people are always sort of weirded out by it. I don't know," I shrugged. "I mean, growing up without a dad and everything...my mom literally went through hell and back to give me the best childhood she could, and from that came our super close relationship. I love talking to her, but some times she gets on my nerves."

"Yeah no, I totally get you. I try to call my family as often as I can, you know? Family is important, and it's nice to know that there are people who think about you and love you and worry about you, even when you're gone for 9 months out of the year."

I nodded in agreement, brushing my teeth.

After finishing up my night routine and changing into a fresh pair of sweats and a shirt, I climbed into my bed, looking over at Kelley.

"Good night, special-K." I said, using the new nickname I had come up with for her earlier that day.

The defender giggled, shaking her head. "Night newbie." 

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