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A/N I'm bored and this is my favorite story so please enjoy this double update :)


Once we got back to the hotel everyone showered and changed into more comfortable clothing, and Allie and Kelley distracted Alex while the rest of us quickly decorated the dining hall with balloons and streamers.

We checked with the kitchen to make sure they were making Alex's favorite meal, and to make sure the cake was also finished, before I had everyone sign the big card we made for the forward.

On the last off day Jill had given us, the team had gone out shopping and bought Alex's gifts, unbeknownst to her.

I wanted to do something super special for my girlfriend, not only because it was her birthday and we won, but also because we've been together for almost two months in a few weeks, and that's a big deal.

It had taken me some time to decide on a good gift for her, but I got a lot of advice from Ali and Christen, who helped me pick it out. It wasn't anything too big, but it was special.

"Are we done?" Sam asked, looking around at the group.

Everyone nodded, and we looked to Jill. "Let's send for Alex then."

I shot a quick text to Kelley to let her know we were ready then turned to my teammates, instructing everyone to get in position.

Jill turned off the lights and now all we could do was wait.

A few minutes later we heard Allie and Kelley talking loudly as they walked down the hall with Alex, which was supposed to be the signal that they were close.

We heard them reach the door, and as soon as they were pulled open, Jill hit the lights and we all jumped up from where we had been crouching behind the tables.


"AHH! WHAT!?" Alex yelled excitedly, hugging herself in surprise, covering her mouth with her hands.

Allie and Kelley handed Alex the huge card we had gotten her, with the team picture taken from the Nike campaign in January.  

Each team member and each staff member had written a personal note to forward, and one by one they came up to hand her their gift. Alex's hands were over flowing with bags and envelope's which we cleared off a table for.

"Thank you guys so much." Alex laughed, wiping a few tears that had fallen. She hugged everyone, thanking them sincerely, before approaching me last. 

She pulled me into a hug, and I kissed the top of her head. "Come to my room later, I've got my gift for you then." I whispered before letting her go.

"Let's eat!" Pinoe exclaimed, directing Alex to her seat, her meal set down in front of her.

Everyone enjoyed dinner together, telling our favorite stories of Alex. People talked about their first impressions of her, funny moments with her, and other crazy times that made us all laugh.

After dinner, Jill and Dawn brought out the chocolate cake with 26 candles, and everyone sang happy birthday to her, recording the moment on their phones.

All in all, it was a wonderful way to follow a challenging victory.

After cake, we all went up to Ash and Tobin's room to watch a movie of my girlfriends choice. Unsurprisingly, she chose a Disney movie.

By the time the movie had ended it, it was ten o'clock. But, since we had a late training tomorrow, we didn't have a curfew tonight.

"Y/n, I'm sleeping in Pinoe's room tonight." Kelley smirked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. 

I rolled my eyes at the shorter woman's antics, but was secretly grateful that I'd have the room to myself (and hopefully Alex). 

All the players slowly left, heading to their respective hotel rooms to hang out or call it a night. Most of them looked exhausted, and I couldn't blame them.

"If you guys are gonna do the nasty, please try to keep it down, I want to actually get sleep tonight." Megan laughed as Alex and I left the room.

"Noted." I said with a sarcastic eye roll that Alex seemed to find funny.

"See you tomorrow guys." Tobin saluted us, her and Ash turning in for the night.

"My room?" I asked, turning to the blue eyed woman, who nodded with a smile.

Once we arrived, I closed the door behind us, turning on one of the bed side lamps instead of the over head light.

"Alright, close your eyes." I instructed, watching Alex take a seat on the edge of my bed, an anticipated smile on her face while she did what I asked. 

I quietly reached into my bag and pulled out the small box, making sure the bow on it still looked good.

My hands shook nervously, and for a moment, I wondered if I should really do this. What if she hated the gift? 

I shut those thoughts down and told myself to shut up and just trust myself. Ali and Christen hadn't said she'd love this for nothing, and when it came to romance, they were the two people I trusted the most.

"Okay, you can open them."

Alex removed her hands from her face, blinking away the blurry spots, and looking at the small box in my hands, an inquisitive look in her eye.

"Open it." I said softly, handing her the gift.

My heart thumped erratically in my chest while I watched, rocking back and forth on my feet.

The forward delicately untied the navy blue ribbon and set it aside, pulling the top off the box. When she saw what was inside, her eyes widened. 


Gingerly, Alex reached in, taking the item into her fingertips, feeling the cold material.

"Too much? I was-"

"It's perfect." 

Alex stood, throwing her arms around my neck, kissing me passionately. 

I couldn't help but grin into the kiss, my hands going to her waist.

"Thank you Y/n, I love it so much."

"Of course. Happy birthday, Princess."

"Can you help me put it on?"

I nodded, walking behind her and taking the item from her hands. The shorter woman held her hair up while I hooked it around her neck.

Alex turned around in my arms, giving me a view of how it looked, sitting against her tanned skin.

"You're so beautiful."

I had given her a silver necklace with a single rectangular pendant, reading Tenacious

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