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Tristan arrived back to Dewdenn, but instead of a warm wellcome, he saw the hell before his eyes. His home looked like the devil's playground, burned houses, dead bodies on the ground and wooden crosses everywhere. The Red Paladins attacked Dewdenn. His family...

He rushed to his cottage, stepping over the corpses. He imediatly spotted his parents, their lifeless bodies were lying in front of the house, or what was left from their house...

Tears were filling his eyes, Tristan didn't even got the chance to be with them, if he was there to help maybe they were still alive... His chest felt heavy as tears were runnig down his handsome face.

Clearing his toughts he noticed that his sister wasn't here. Was she dead too? Was there a chance that his beloved sister was alive?

Tristan took his horse, wiping away his tears. He didn't know what to do, search for survivers? Were there any? Should he simply leave? He has to search for his sister. Tristan began shouting her name, hoping that maybe, his sister was alive and somewhere close enough to hear.

"Guinevere!" he was walking around the village, yelling her name. He must have looked like a mad person. Something moved behind the bushes.

"Who is there?" he asked.

A women who looked scared revealed herself, her clothes were dirty and stained with blood. She was fey, a Tusk.

"I-I escaped, you should have seen them, the red cloaks were everywhere..."

Tristan looked closely at the women, he reconsied her, she was the blacksmith's wife, but he couldn't remember her name. He took a few steps closer to her, putting his sword back.

" It's fine, I won't hurt you. "

" I know, you are the tailor's son. "

Beautifully Broken |  The Weeping MonkWhere stories live. Discover now