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"WHAT about the other side of the family? Raphael's relatives?" Guinevere asked Tristan as all of them reached the cave

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"WHAT about the other side of the family? Raphael's relatives?" Guinevere asked Tristan as all of them reached the cave.

"We know nothing about them. You know it very well."

"Not really nothing." Lancelot wasn't understanding what Guinevere and Tristan were for each other. They cared for one another, were they relatives? Was Tristan some kind a Shadow Lord as well? Were they half siblings? "Raphael said he named me after his sister. Guinevere. We need to find a viking women named Guinevere."

Lancelot was totally confused now. Guinevere was a Shadow Lord and Tristan was half fey and judging by what he had just heard, his other half was viking. Too many question for him...

" Yeah, alright. We find her. But would she help us? Father barely talked about his family." Tristan said.

"Raphael was an amazing man. She's his sister. You are his son, her nephew, I'm sure she'll help." Only if Guinevere knew.

"Excuse me, I almost forgot you are the high lady of optimism. Your Highness." Tristan teased, bowing before his sister. She wanted to smack his arm playfully, but decided against it, as Tristan was still hurt. Actually, how wasn't he yelling in pain? Probably he was hiding it.

Squirrel got off the horse, trying to help Lancelot get off as well but he lost balance, bumping into Guinevere.

"Get him in the cave. I'll take of the horses." said Tristan, leaving.

"You aren't going-" she began to say, but her brother was gone. He really liked to appear tough.

Guinevere was now holding Lancelot's body, his arm resting around her shoulders. She put him down, watching him carefully. Sweat was dripping off his forehead, you could read the pain on his face.

"Can you do something?" asked Squirrel.

"I can try, I think." she couldn't heal him, but she can make his pain easier to endure. "Iuvat." it didn't work, but she tried again and again. Her efforts were in vain.

Lancelot's weeping eyes were scaning her face, she had her eyes shut with a look of concentration on her face. He considered her beautiful, even if her lips were dry and her skin was blemished. She was beautiful because of her kindness, she was beautiful for her dedication, she was simply mesmerizing.

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