Chapter 3: Oh wait, plots actually happening

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Third Person PoV

Error woke to Sans getting up, unfortunately moving the black boned skeleton from his comfy position. Error began to panic, realizing that he wasn't in his Anti-Void, when he remembered the events from earlier.

Sans came out of the kitchen with two plates of spaghetti and a bottle of ketchup. He handed a plate to Error before sitting back down on the couch.

Error ate the food, not really noticing or caring that it didn't taste good. Sans watched with surprise, sipping on his ketchup.

The two sat on the couch, watching the rerun of the show in relative quietness. Once Error had finished his meal, he went and put his plate in the kitchen sink before walking back to Sans and sitting in front of the couch. Sans arched a bonebrow(??) but otherwise didn't comment on the other's behavior.

After a while, Sans asked Error," Do you mind if I CHECK ya? I need to see how your HP's regenerating." Error nodded his head and turned towards Sans.

The white-boned skeleton pulled the other's soul out, somehow managing to pale at the soul's state. It was upside down and white, with fractures and cracks visible almost everywhere. Blue strings were wrapped tightly around the soul, pulsing lightly, but they didn't seem to be doing any harm. A few error signs were flickering around the soul; it looked like they were trying to patch it together again.

Sans tried to ignore the damage of the soul and CHECKed Error.


AU: 3rR0r.__-<FilE.NoT.FoUNd


Friends: BlueBerry, Horror, Dust, Nightmare, Cross, Killer, Geno, Fresh, all Chara's/misunderstood children

Enemies: Ink, Dream, Ink's Army

Potential Friends: Classic, Reaper, Outer

Info: Due to being in the original timeline's reset, has had codes changed. Now Classic's and Papyrus' eldest Brother. More was changed in the reset but is unknown to Error. Misses Nightmare's Gang

Well, now both Sanses were in shock. Sans had another brother and Error finally got a family, well family by code.

"WhAt aRe We suPpoSed to tElL PaPYrUs?" Error asked hesitantly. Papyrus didn't know about the multiverse or resets so...

Sans sat for a minute before stating," We can tell him you went looking for Dad when he went missing and then went missing yourself." Error nodded, waiting for Sans to ask the question everybody asked. "What happened to your soul?"

"It'S fRom mY OrIgiNaL AU anD iNk'S rEckleSs CreATiOn. WhEnEveR hE MaKeS somEtHing, My sOul CraCks tO AlErt mE of thE bAlAncE BeIng tIppeD so I cAn FiX iT. I puT tHE StRinGs on iT tO hOld iT tOgeTher, aNd ThE eRrOrS arE jUsT A pArt Of mE," Error explains. Sans nods his head in agreement and tries to turn his attention back to the TV. Error remains on the floor but leans against Sans legs.

The glitching skeleton eventually got bored with MTT show playing so he made a small portal to the Anti-Void and pulled out his knitting needles and yarn. He started making a small doll of himself, using his strings to make little accents here and there. Sans watched him amused, before turning his attention back to the TV.

After a few minutes, an soot covered Papyrus and Undyne came back to the house. Papyrus immediately set out for the bathroom, probably to clean himself up and Undyne stood in front of the couch near Error.

"So uh. We may have accidentally set my house on fire. Again," Undyne stated, not realizing just how obvious it was that they had set the house on fire. "Do you mind if I stay in the guest room until the house calms down?"

Error,  pretending to know little about Undyne lifestyle, asks, "Uh, what do you mean calm down?" Undyne shoots him a confused look before remembering that he wasn't familiar with the two's antics.

"Oh, after awhile, my house extinguishes the fire inside of it. It's super cool, and probably something Alphys made when she realized I set my house on fire like, every other week," Undyne explained. Error nodded and went back to knitting. Undyne took notice of that, looking excited. "Woah, you know how to knit. That's so cool! Where'd ya learn to do that?" She asked excitedly.

Error looks surprised at the question, but replies nonetheless. "I taught myself when I was younger. I got bored when I was waiting to do things and so I took up knitting." Undyne looks impressed. That's one of the few times I'll ever see Undyne impressed, Sans thought to himself. Papyrus came out of the bathroom and motioned for Undyne to clean herself up.

The fish-like lady headed into the bathroom to clean and Papyrus sat on the couch besides Sans.

"Sans, if you don't mind my asking, how do you know Error?" Papyrus asked. Error's glitching got worse and Sans froze for a second, but otherwise, you couldn't tell the two were worried.

"Well bro, you know how when you were little, it was just me and you?" Sans starts off. Papyrus nods slowly, not quite sure where this was going. "Well, when I was little, Dad was still around and I had a big brother. His name was Error. About a year after you were born, Dad went missing, we think he was kidnapped to New Home or something. Error taught me how to pay taxes, how to cook, how to take care of a baby, and then he went looking for Dad. He said if we ever needed help, we could go to Asgore. But neither of them came back, so they were assumed dead."

Sans was almost crying at the end of this. It may not have been real, but it sure felt real, for whatever reason. Undyne had walked in just as Sans had started explaining, so he didn't have to explain it again.

Error was crying, though it wasn't easily noticeable with the markings on his face. The story Sans told was technically true, at least, according to the world's code. That's why it felt real to the two of them.

"Jeez, sorry dudes. That's, that's really rough," Undyne says, looking at the floor. Papyrus picked Error up and hugged him, much to the glitching skele's discomfort. Error's glitching worsened to the point of him seeing errors, meaning that he was about to crash. Sans noticed that some of Error's wrapping were coming loose and that Error looked like he was about to crash. 

"Uh, bro. Maybe don't hug Error so tight, his body isn't fully healed yet and he isn't fond of touch," Sans tells his brother, concerned for Error. Papyrus pouted but the skeleton down on the couch anyways. Error gave Paps a nervous smile in return. The glitchy skeleton picked up his dropped doll, focused on it until the error's left his vision.

"I'm guessing the guest room is actually Error's room then," Undyne guesses. Error nods his head. "Well then, I'll see if I can crash with Alphys. Oh, and guys, you don't have to recalibrate your puzzles today. Although if you see a human, let me know before trying to stop them." Undyne waved goodbye to the skeleton family and headed to Hotland.

"Well Error, since you haven't been to experience my magnificent spaghetti, I'll go prepare a batch while you and Sans watch TV," Papyrus says, walking to the kitchen. Error curls himself into a ball and puts his unfinished doll on the coffee table in front of the couch.

Sans eventually falls asleep and somehow pulls Error into a hug. The dark-boned skele tried to leave, but Sans wouldn't let go. Error struggled a little bit more, but only to agitate his wounds. Accepting his fate, Error 'reluctantly'(very willingly) cuddled into his brother and took another nap.

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