Chapter 4: A Big Reunion (I think)

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A/N I'm sooooo sorry this took so long to write. I don't have an excuse but every time i tried to write I just couldn't write down what I wanted to happen. Anyways, enjoy the chapter and feel free to point out an grammatical or spelling error's you see!

Third Person POV

Error woke up to somebody shaking him gently.

"Error buddy, time to eat," Sans said, continuing to shake the glitchy skele. Error just shakes his head and moves snuggles closer to Sans. So I must resort... to blackmail, Sans thinks. "Once you finish eating we can head to Nightmare's castle."

Error opened his eyes, reluctantly leaving his brother's warm embrace. Sans pushed himself off the couch and headed to the kitchen with Error following loosely behind.

"Hello brothers. The spaghetti is already dished out on the countertop," Papyrus says as he washes some dishes in the sink. Considering the height of said sink, actually washing dishes in the sink basically never happens. That's why they got the dishwasher...that Papyrus swears is trying to eat him.

Back on track, the shorter skeles (we're going with Error being like three inches shorter than Sans instead of the canon height of him being nine feet tall) grab their plates of spaghetti and sit down at the dinner table. Papyrus joins them soon after finishing his dishes.

"Error, I was wondering if you would be interested in joining me on my patrol? I know your healing, but I figured you could see how things have changed since you left," Papyrus asks.

Error's glitching worsens momentarily," Um, maYBe tomOrROw PapYRuS. It iS yoUr DaY oFf iSn'T it? DoN't neEd to dRag mE arOuMd oN yOUr dAy OFf."

"If you say so Brother!" Papyrus says, not minding at all. The skeletons all start to eat their spaghetti. Error comments occasionally, usually to thank Papyrus on the amazing meal.

Once the group has finished eating, Papyrus goes out on patrol and leaves the shorter skele's at home.

"Alright, ready to go see Nightmare's Gang?" Sans asks Error.

"YuP, lORd kNowS thAt thInGs aRE iN ChAOs wIThOuT mE tO keEp tHem iN cHecK," Error replies. The glitchy skeleton opens a portal to Nightmare's Mansion.

He waits for Sans to walk through the portal first before following him. Error had made the portal to the living room, so you can imagine the surprise of the skeleton inside the living room when Error's portal opened up.

(From now until stated otherwise, Sans will be referred to as Classic.)

Killer was the lucky one that happened to be in the living room when Classic and Error walked in. "BOSS! GUYS! GET DOWN HERE!" Error sees the target marked skeleton and immediately goes and hugs him.

The rest of the gang rushes to the living room, hoping to see the person they've been missing for what feels like forever (but was only like 7 hours).

"ERROR!" the gang shouts gleefully as they all rush to hug the skeleton. Classic chuckles at the supposed 'bad sanses' antics in the corner of the room.

"Where have you been?! We were worried sick about you!" Nightmare asked, gently slapping Error upside the head with a tentacle.

"I-uh, mIghT'vE eNDed uP iN ClASsiC's uNIverSe. ClAsSic'S beEn TaKIng cArE oF Me," Error tells the gang. Dust pulls his phone and texts Blue telling him to get to the mansion.

"He spent most of his time using me as a pillow," Classic states. Error erupts into a yellow blush, hiding his face in his hands.

"YoU diDN't hAvE tO tElL tHEm tHat, BrO!" Error whined, not quite realizing what he had just revealed to the gang. Classic chuckled at his brother's 'misery' before noticing the gang gaping at the two.

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