Chapter 5: cAn I pLEaSe cAlL mY LaWyER!?

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Me: *writes a really detailed, well thought out book plan for Error's New Family*

Also me: *writes next chapter that doesn't follow the plan*

The list: *spontaneously combusts into flames*

Still Me: Ooh~ Pretty fire!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Feel free to point out any spelling/grammar mistakes you see and I will do my best to fix them!!

Third Person PoV

Error was finishing off the snowdin area through his fifteenth AU, FellSwap copy #64879, when Ink and Dream showed up.

"Error, please stop destroying! These worlds have done nothing to you!" Ink shouted at the destroyer. Dream nodded along with his partner, summoning his bow. "Just stop destroying and you won't get hurt."

Error sighed," I wOuLD iF I cOUlD bUt I cAn'T. NoW iF yOu stOp cReATinG, ThEn I'Ll sTOp dEsTRoYINg, CaPiCHe?"

"I will never stop creating. It's my sole purpose to create!" Ink yells, grabbing his paintbrush from his back. "I will stop you, Error!"

"BrInG iT oN tHEn!" Error retorts, pulling some strings away from his eye sockets.

Dream shoots arrows at Error while Ink slashes some red paint in the Destroyer's direction. Error dodges easily and launches strings at the two, reaching to grab Dream's soul and Ink's vials. Ink dodges the strings, unfortunately moving Dream into the stings.

Error lifts the Guardian up by his soul and lets him hang loosely from the ceiling, not too different from how his Anti-Void is decorated.

Ink's paint changes from the familiar, burning red paint, to a neon yellow. The Creator slashes the paint towards the Destroyer, who naturally moves to dodge it. However, the neon yellow paint was a new gift from Sci (Sciencetale!sans) and able to follow somebody from their heat signature.

The neon yellow paint eventually lands on his wrists and feet. Before Error has time to do anything about the paint, Ink snaps his fingers and the paint turns into golden, magic restricting chains.

Dream falls down from where he was hanging, landing on Ink.

The guardian laughs," Hahah, we actually caught the destroyer! After so many eons, we finally caught him!!" Dream rolls off Ink, holding his stomach as he laughs.

"Error, for your crimes against the Multiverse, you shall face trial. Seven original Sanses shall judge you for your actions and decide your fate. Anything to say for yourself?" Ink asks.

Error sighs," CaN I cALl mY lAyWeR? oR iS thAt aLSo dEcIDEd foR mE?"

"Um, you can call your lawyer when we get to the council room, I guess," Ink states, though admittedly a bit confused. Shouldn't the destroyer be cursing at me or something? This seems almost too easy, the creator thought, tense and ready for the Bad Sanses to show up.

"Don'T wORrY AbOUt nIghTY aND thE oThErs, tHeY wErE sLEePinG whEn I lefT," Error commented, slightly calming Ink's nerves. Only slightly though, because who can exactly trust the enemy.

Anyways, Ink slashed a portal to the council room on the ground and tossed Error in roughly before jumping in himself. Dream hops in after the two, closing the portal behind him. Raspberry #64879 (Fellswap!Sans) comes out from where he was hiding waiting behind a tree, trying (and failing) to comprehend just where the fuck the Sans look-a-likes came from and disappeared too.

With the council, Error was still restrained and sitting in the middle of the table. Many variations of the -Fell and -Hell judges/skeletons were demanding to know why Error was still alive while the nicer judges/skeletons argued for a court trial.

Ink was standing at the head of the table with Dream by his side. Blue hadn't shown up yet, but they just assumed it was because Stretch(Underswap!Papyrus) had placed him under house arrest. Again.

They quickly realized that wasn't in the case when Stretch burst down the door. The Orange clad skeleton turned Error's soul blue and threw him up against the wall.

"WHERE'S MY BROTHER?!" Stretch shouted at him. The council shut up (finally) and looked to where Stretch was holding Error.

"I doN'T kNOw! LaSt i chEcKed hE waS gOInG shOpPIng AfTer leAvINg tHE mAnsIOn!" Error states calmly, looking almost bored. "CaN i pLEaSe cAlL mY lAwYeR nOW?"

"Wait, what?" the councils murmurs to each other. Over-protective Stretch was something to be worried about, especially when you were the one who 'kidnapped' Blue, yet the destroyer didn't seem phased in the slightest, almost like this had happened before.

Stretch drops Error, seeming satisfied with the answer. Dream takes Error outside to where a payphone was standing against the wall. Don't ask why it's there, nobody knows, not even Ink and he made the damn place.

Dream gives Error a quarter and gives him a bit of distance to talk to his lawyer privately.

*Ring ring ring* "This is Geno, how can I help you?" Geno's polite voice answered over the phone. No, Geno isn't his lawyer, just the lawyer's receptionist.

"Um, I'M kInDA bEinG heLD a TriAl aNd i NeED mY LaWeR plEaSE."

"Okay, wait how the fuck did they catch you?" The white boned skeleton sounded shocked, not worried or concerned, just confused shock.

"ThEy haD maGiC rEsTRAiNG cHaInS." 'Cause that would explain everything.

"But those don't work on you. You're a literal god for crying out loud! Putting those things on does nothing to your magic. The only reason you got hurt when they ambushed you was because you had already taken care of like 100 AUs that day and had to save the Bad Sanses asses."

"I kNoW, I jUSt thOuGHt ThAT i'D pITy thEm ThIS oNcE. Oh, AnD teLl BlUE hiS bRoTHeR wAs WorrIEd pLEaSE." Error hung up the phone before Geno could reply again. Dream came back to Error and led the way to the cell they would be temporarily using to contain the Glitchy Skeleton.

It was a plain white room with a small bed in the corner and a window sitting just above the bed. A camera was placed above the doorway, openly showing that they hadn't thought any about privacy. Dream roughly shoved Error into his room before slamming the door closed. Error merely moved himself under the bed and went to sleep.

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