New Mexico's Eyes

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The eventful past couple of days seemed to keep everyone up, and coffee was starting to lose its touch. The states slugged around, out of focus eyes and droopy limbs as they slouched around, trying to do their jobs that had been assigned. America had just gone to bed, probably still under the influence of New Mexico's powers.
For New Mexico, his job was done. He had done his part. But it felt weird to sit around while the others scrambled around. He could probably help Ari, who was running around the house looking for the little things he could do to help make the states' jobs easier.
  But he hated being bossed around. With a fiery passion. Not during the Spanish settlement, not during the Mexican settlement, not during World War Two. Never. New Mexico was an arguer, a fighter, a who's ever turn it was to take care of him's pain in the-
"NEW MEXICO!" Texas bellowed from outside. "NEED YOUR HELP!"
Oh great.
He let an audible growl of annoyance slip out, at no one in particular.
New Mexico made his way down to the garage. At least he had an excuse to walk outside. It was a sunny, but cloudy day, and the garden was beginning to turn brown from the change in seasons. New Mexico pulled a marigold off a wilting bush as he walked and stuffed it in his pocket. It would be a nice addition to Ari's terrarium for a couple of days.
"Over here."
  New Mexico opened the door to the echoy garage. Texas was standing by his truck, which was full of groceries.
"Could ya help unload? I'm gonna go get the cart." Texas didn't wait for an answer as he blew past and out the garage door onto the stone-brick path that led back to the house.
New Mexico sighed again, and turned his attention to the stacks of fabric bags filled to the brim with snacks and drinks and healthier things like carrots and apples and celery and-
"AWH SWEET!" Florida poked his head out of the backseat window and held out a bag. He shook the cargo a bit and a few of the oranges toppled out of the bag onto the floor.
"Careful with those." Georgia said from the front seat, sticking his head out the open door. "It ain't tangerine season so they're all either mushy or too ripe."
"I'll just make juice with them then." Florida tossed the bag to New Mexico. The sunshine state grabbed the sides of the open frame of the car and rolled out the window, twisting his body so he landed on his feet.
"Ay dios." Arizona snickered. New Mexico must've not seen him come in. "Look at all of these beans!"
The corners of New Mexico's mouth turned up. "That's what happens when you let Texas shop. Beans."
Nevada slugged him in the arm. "If we repeat the last time Texas made his chili then we could power the entirety of the United States."
The boys laughed and heard a snort behind them.
"You guys are disgusting." Cali made a face.
Colorado shrugged and brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes. "I thought it was funny."
"Yeah, well, you hang out with those three." California jabbed her finger at Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada. Nevada gave a look of innocence and batted his eyelashes, Ari stuck out his tongue, and New Mexico just raised a brow.
"Looks like Texas is back with the cart." Georgia leaned against the truck.
Sure enough, the distant rumbling of the cart came to a halt. Texas gestured the others over. "Come on now, load 'em up."
So they stuffed as many grocery bags onto the cart as possible, before Texas rolled it off again.
Since there were so many states living in the same house at the same time, they shopped separately. It was a good system, considering the fact that if someone bought fifty-six packs of Debbie Star Crunches, suspension might arise.
While they waited for Texas to return, other states began to file into the garage. New Mexico slumped against the aluminum wall and took a cigarette out of his pocket.
Arizona frowned at his brother as he pulled out his lighter. His twin wanted him to quit. He only smoked when he got nervous. Which was a lot lately.
Ari continued to glare at New Mexico as he placed the cigar in his mouth and lit it.
"Hey." Utah folded her arms. "You want a cancer stick, smoke it outside."
New Mexico rolled his eyes and stepped through the back door.
He exhaled and watched the streaks of smoke disappear into the air.
"Those things give you lung cancer, you know that right?"
"Not us Ari. We're built different."
Arizona let out an audible sigh. "You can still get addicted. Remember? Dad took forever to stop being dependent."
New Mexico wanted to argue. But he held his tongue and chose silence instead.
"What's bugging you?" Arizona walked up next to him and bumped shoulders.
"I don't know." New Mexico took the cigarette out of his mouth. "I'm just stressed. This past week has been eventful. You get used to nothing happening."
Ari shrugged. "I guess." He yanked off his glove and held out his hand.
New Mexico hesitated. But slowly set the cigar into his brothers palm.
Arizona closed his fingers around it and set it ablaze.
After all the groceries were taken care of (and everyone tried to climb on the cart to get a ride inside) it was around lunch. States were digging around in the fridge trying to find something worth while to eat.
"UHG!" Nevada shrieked as he pulled out a plastic bag full of what smelled like rotten fish. "It's Arkansas' two month old tuna salad!"
A chorus of "ew"'s and "uhg"'s circled around the room. Alabama plugged his nose.
Texas snatched the bag out of Nevada's hands and dramatically waved it around in California's face. "Cali~ come give your girlfriend a kiss~"
California of course didn't like this at all. She shrieked and swatted the bag. It flew from Texas' hands and ended up landing with a disgusting splat on someone's foot.
"Well." America said, looking down at the plastic bag that had landed on his slipper. "Good afternoon to you too."
The states all hugged their father, and Florida jumped onto his back and gave America's neck a squeeze.
"Dad, you should really sleep longer." Georgia explained as he pulled Florida off of America's head.
"Ya that was like an hour and a half of shut eye." Arizona scratched the back of his neck.
"Well we still have to find Dixie." America leaned down and picked off his feet. "And get you guys lunch it looks like."
"OH!" Florida grabbed the sides of his own face. "CAN WE GET CHICK FIL A!"
"Oh pleeeaaasse pop!"
"Pretty please with cherries on top!"
New Mexico didn't care too much for the fast food place. But he could see Arizona bouncing excitedly next to him, so he went along.
America smiled. "Oh alright. But then afterwards. We're pinpoint Dixie's location and save him. Alright?"
The states weren't really listening now. They were already swarming towards the garage.
"I call going with Texas in his truck!"
"Yeah me too!"
"Hey guys!" America called from the kitchen. "Wait for me!"

I wanted some light hearted stuff before things get intense
I also wanted to explore another character and I chose New Mexico because no one ever writes about him ever
And yes they all took separate cars because America ordering 50+ chicken sandwiches would be weird

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