...The Pillar Man

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Y/N's POV,

What... what kind of sick joke is this? Just when I think things couldn't get any more worse I end up seeing a pillar man resting in the wall. Now I see why this room was locked up. However, it hasn't awoken yet. Maybe we could lock up this room again and blow up the entire Destroyer along with it. Yeah, that should be the plan. All I have to do is make sure nothing goes wrong.

Adventurer #1: Hey what's that?

Y/N: What's what?

I examine the room closely and make out what seems to be a thin thread along the floor.

Y/N: A tripwire huh? Must've been for intruders. Think it's best to disarm it just in case.

I ask one of the adventurers for a blade. One handed one to me and I make my way toward the thin string. Approaching it slowly, I over hear the three adventurers behind me. They were whispering but they apparently sucked at it because I was able to hear them.

Adventurer #1: He's going for it.

Adventurer #2: Just like the boss said.

Adventurer #3: And I'll make sure he steps on it.

What the hell, he'll make sure that I step on it? What's that suppose to mean? I then hear brief footsteps behind me. One of them must be trying to attack me. But why? They also mentioned a boss too. Think it's clear to say that they meant to bring me here and that they used that pillar man as a means to distract me.

The brief footsteps become hard running as the steps were now louder. My instincts came in to place and I turned around, charged some hamon into my fist and punched that adventurer in the gut so hard he flew back knocking him out. The other two with pissed off looks charge at me. One pulled out a sword and another pulled out a dagger. I ran to them. I kicked one of them to the wall and tackled the other one. The one that was kicked to the wall tried to lunge at me again but condensing the knife I had in my hand with hamon, I threw it at his hand so that his hand would be stuck to the wall by the knife pinned to it. He yelped in pain. I faced the adventurer I tackled and grabbed on to his shirt.

Y/N: You explain now!

Adventurer #2: Like I would ever tell you anything!

Y/N: Then I guess I'll have to beat the life out of you then.

Adventurer #2: Go ahead I ain't scared of you!

Y/N: Alright then...

I engulfed my hand with hamon and placed it in front of his face.


Adventurer #2: AAAAAHHH!!!!

The electricity from the hamon was burning his face and he cried in pain.

Y/N: You want to go again or you'll talk now?

Adventurer #2: I... I... refuse...

Y/N: Alright then you asked for it.

Adventurer #2: Okay! Okay! I'll talk.

Y/N: Okay first question, why did you three all try and fail in attacking me?

Adventurer #2: We were hired to try and eliminate you by our boss.

Y/N: And who may your boss be? I'll give him a piece of my mind.

Adventurer #2: In your dreams. You could never defeat the boss. He is one of the most fear men in all the world!

Y/N: Most feared you don't mean...

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