A Happy Ending Does Exist!

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Y/N's POV,

Y-You got to be kidding me! How could've Dio survived our battle?! My hamon should have disintegrated him whole! Did he really cut off his own head to escape death? He is a vampire so technically he could live without a body. But now he's just vulnerable...

Dio spoke again, showing no struggle to communicate.

Dio: Y/N, look. See what has become of me. I come before you in this state for a reason. Why would I bare such frailty you ask? 

Y/N: Well yeah, I mean I freaked out when I saw you again but I realized it wouldn't that difficult to kill you.

Dio: Arrogant I see. Y/N, though I once despised you, I now respect you.

Y/N: I'm sorry what?

Dio: I respect your courage, your spirit and your power. I realize that now.

Y/N: Again what?

Dio: Y/N...

Y/N: *confused* What? Are you here to call for some sort of truths or something?

Dio: ...If it weren't for you, I never would have obtained the mask's power. But also because of you, the world has slipped from my grasp. If there is a god who controls fate, then there could be no relationship better designed than ours. We are one and the same. Therefore... I will take the body of the man I respect and live in eternal glory! This is my destiny! You shall feel no pain! That is my final favor to you!

What he said just now left me appalled. My eyes widened in disbelief at the realization of what will happen. Take my body? Before I was able to process that, his eyes began to glow giving me no time to react.

Y/N: His eyes! No!!


As everything was happening all at once, I heard a voice call out to me from behind. It was Aqua's voice.

Aqua: Y/N!

I slightly turned my head seeing her at the doorway with one hand on the rail, and the other trying to reach out to me. I saw her glossy eyes and open mouth, the look I didn't want to see on her face. The look of fear. Before I had anytime to react, Dio fired his eye lasers in an instant. The laser broke through the capsule's glass that was holding his head and blasted straight through my neck. Both lasers going through not only my neck, but also my hands as I tried to defend myself. The impact sent be back as I hit a wooden pillar. I was on the floor trying to regain my breath but I couldn't. There were literally two holes in my neck. Aqua looked at me in horror trying to comprehend what just happened.

Aqua: Y-Y/N...

Y/N: A...qua...

The zombie holding the capsule containing Dio's head stood there. Taunting me by sticking its tongue out.

Dio: What a pity. If only you had held still, you could have died a painless death. *looks at Aqua* Now your little fairy tale has become a horrific hell. You must be confused, speechless. Has Y/N mentioned our battle in Arcanretia?

Aqua: *stays silent*

Dio: A battle between the so called heroic hero against the mythical inhabitant of the underworld. A battle that should have decided it all that night, but brought only false hope to you ignorant fools. I wasn't always like this, none of this would have happened if Y/N didn't interfere. But even one's foolishness will lead to their doom.

Aqua: Dio-


Aqua was about to say something until many arms started to come out of the wall behind her, trying to grab her. She quickly stepped away but then we all heard a scream from the halls.

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