Toads and a Crimson Demon

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Ability - Hamon:
An energy used during combat and produces manifesting ripples throughout the body. The ripples are seen as electricity-like sparks. It can also affect non-living things as an object charged with ripple energy will have one or several attributes enhanced by the energy, making it a more effective tool or weapon. Producing the Ripple also preserves the user's vitality, making them look more youthful and be more energetic even during old age although this method has limits. To produce Hamon, users must precisely control the energy by their breathing. It requires focusing the energy before unleashing it all at once to create a powerful burst of ripple.
(To see what it looks like in action, here's a video)

It was the next morning and Kazuma was up and ready for the kill quest that they had planned. However it wasn't going the way he wanted it to. While he was ready, Aqua and Y/N were still asleep. To top it off Aqua was once again holding onto Y/N with her mouth open and even drooling. Kazuma was just standing there contemplating life.

Kazuma: Life in another world ain't as cool as I thought. I barely get by as a noob adventurer. A stable being the only place I could afford to sleep. Man adventurers don't do badass stuff, they're just working day laborers. If this was Japan, they couldn't even afford a crappy low end motel. Minimum wage, day laboring cost, why am I talking to myself?

Y/N started to wake up.

Y/N: *yawn* Yo morning dude. *Notices a sleeping Aqua holding onto him and smiles* Wakey wakey Aqua.

Aqua: *yawns* Good morning Y/N. Morning Kazuma.

Kazuma: Don't you too 'good morning' me it's almost freak'n noon. I thought we were doing a kill quest today.

Aqua: *slowly gets off of Y/N* Oh right, since we weren't going to work today I thought I'd sleep in for once.

Y/N: Same sleeping in sounded nice.

Kazuma: So much for yesterday's 'you can count on me' bs. Anyway I thought you said this world was run by the devil king. There's nothing evil going on, it couldn't get any more peaceful here.

Aqua: Well of course this towns the furthest from the devil king's castle. He wouldn't get out of his way just to attack a place that has nothing but amateur adventurers in it.

Kazuma: Good point.

Aqua: *gets up* Now that we're all awake let's go on that kill quest. You can count on Y/N and I so don't you worry.

Kazuma: That still doesn't make me feel any better about it. Oh well you are a goddess after all we should be fine. Alright let's buy some cheap gear and go kill some monsters.

Aqua and Y/N: Yeah!


K, A, and Y/N: Sorry! We'll keep it down.

Time skip

Kill Quest:
Defeat 5 Giant Toads in 3 Days

So after getting some cheap gear, Kazuma and I ended up getting some small swords. Who knew even cheap weapons were that expensive. Those two were worth about two days of pay from work. We were out in the field searching for some giant toads until one came to us and started chasing Kazuma. You know I thought Kazuma wouldn't have been afraid of a toad even if it was giant. Instead he was just running away.

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