Meet the team

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Why the hell am I sitting in this car? That's a good question. Too bad I cant answer it.

"There it is." A deep voice said. I looked out the window. Yet another huge building was outside, mocking me. It looked nothing like any other building I've been in, but, it felt like every other building I've been in. The sunlight reflected off the glass windows, but, the building looked pitch black to me. The car pulled into a gravel driveway and stopped. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. A friendly looking man with an eyepatch was walking from the building. As he approached me, I started to realize exactly what I had gotten myself into.

"Welcome! Y/N, right?" He said, his voice was friendly, a vast contrast from his appearance.

"Yes." I said, smiling.

"I'm Nick Fury, come with me. There are some people that you need to meet." He lead me inside the large, expensive building. The sleek and modern design reminded me of my previous 'homes'.

"Okay. Here we are. Now, you've probably picked up on this but, all the people in that room are just like you." He looked at me and smiled, putting his hand on the doorknob. "They're also all complete dipshits so, dont be too intimidated."

"Ah, I'll fit right in."

The man let out a light chuckle and opened the door. He walked in and I followed. As I stepped in, the room went dead silent.

"Avengers, this is Y/N, the one I was telling you about." The man said. I stepped to his side and finally got a good look at the room.

"Holy shit." I whispered. I was standing in a room, full of Avengers. I would've laughed at how ironic the situation was but, the dozens of eyes all staring at me prevented me from doing anything but staring back.

"Okay, so since everyone else is just gawking, I'll break the ice, you're welcome, all." A man with a glowing ring on his chest, square glasses and a killer mustache piped up, walking to me.  "Hello, Y/N, I'm Tony Stark." He held out his hand. I shook his hand and smiled.

"Its a pleasure to meet you." I tried my best to ignore the fact that I was talking to Tony Stark.

"So, these unusually silent people behind me, are the Avengers. That's Bruce." A man with grayish hair and rectangular glasses. Raised his hand and waved.

"Hi, Y/N" He said.

"Hello." I smiled and once again, tried not to think too much about what was happening.

"And those two are Natasha and Steve." He pointed to a table. A red haired woman in all black nodded to me. The man sitting next to her smiled.

"That's Thor, and Clint." Three men waved, as their names were spoken.

"And-ugh- where is the kid?" Tony looked around, searching for someone. A clamor of footsteps echoed through the hallway behind me.

"I'm here! Mr Stark, I am so sorry I'm la-" A boy with short brown hair and slightly disheveled clothes ran in, an open backpack slung over his back. His hands were full of a mess of papers and folders. He stopped, dead in his tracks when he saw me.

"Oh, uh, hi- im- I'm spider parker- I mean peterman- i-i mean-" He took a deep breath and blinked a few times. "I'm Peter Parker." He held out his hand, causing half the papers to cascade to the floor. His eyes widened in an awkward look and he peered down at the papers. I bent down, picking them up and handing them to him.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N." I said. He smiled and looked to Tony.

"Okay, so." Tony clapped his hands together. "That is everyone, for now, you'll eventually get to meet everyone, but, apparently, some of the Avengers dont have time to be Avengers." He said. Someone cleared their throat, loudly. A tall, dark figure that I hadn't noticed before stepped forward.

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