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I apologize for that image^ It was on my Amazon and I thought it was funny


We had finally gotten all the other Asgardians on the ship. Brunnhilde was with me and Peter was flying the ship a safe distance away.

"Let's go find your friends. I have a feeling they are not doing so good." She said, walking down the long corridor. We looked around, behind every door and in every room. We finally came to the center of the ship. The door was completely destroyed, and shouting was coming from the room. I looked to Brunnhilde and she nodded, readying herself for a fight. I formed a ball of energy and got ready. We whipped around the corner and into the room. I was met with one of the scariest scenes I think I have ever seen in my life. Every last one of the Avengers was badly beaten and wounded. They were all shouting, a clamor of angry voices echoed through the room. Once we walked in, the shooting ceased. Everyone's eyes widened.

"Y/N, where the hell is the kid?" Tony demanded, walking to me.

"He-hes with the Asgardians, they're all safe on the ship." I replied, stunned to see the Avengers in this kind of condition.

Tony swiped his hand down his face. "Oh, thank god. Now who is she?"

"Shes a Valkyrie." A deep voice said. I looked over to see Thor, laying on the ground, Loki at his side. Thor looked injured, which was only more worrying.

"I'm Brunnhilde." She said. Tony nodded and turned back around.

"Alright, the situation has been handled. Our work here is done." He walked to the door. I watched him, stunned. "I will deal with the traitor once were on the ship." He spat, disappearing down the hall. Traitor?

"What the hell happened?" I asked, walking to help Nat. She was helping Clint to stand. He stood and my jaw fell to the floor. Through his side, a collection of his own arrows was pierced.

"The Black Order happened." She replied. Clint grunted as he stood, straining his wound.

"You're gonna have to take these out, ya know? I dont wanna be a kebab forever." He said to Nat. She nodded and put his arm over her shoulder.

"We can do that on the ship." She said, I put his other arm around my shoulder and walked him to the door. Suddenly, something flew into the three of us, sending us all rocketing backwards into the hard wall. There standing was the man and woman we had fought earlier. They stepped in, followed by a huge green reptilian like man and a man with a hood and sharp features. Behind them all, strutted on a large, purple skinned man. He walked to the front of the group and smiled a sickening grin. The group spread out, standing defensively. Everyone stayed put. They know when they're beat. Holy shit, this is bad.

"Did you really think that you could fool me?" The purple man asked, holding up a glowing blue cube. He crushed it with his hand and it disappeared in a zap of green. "You made a grave mistake, when you betrayed me. Now, you must pay for it" he said, in a deep voice. He looked to me, then to Brunnhilde. He cocked his head, mouth twisting into a disgusting grin. "New faces. How interesting." He walked slowly to Brunnhilde, who was closest to him. The man grabbed her by the throat, lifting her up off the ground, like it was nothing. I picked myself up, trying to steady myself so I could help her. Her feet kicked and her arms flailed, trying to get free, but she was overpowered. I formed a mass of energy and sent it careening at the man's head. It hit him and he didnt even flinch. He slowly turned to me.

"Foolish girl. You must have a death wish." He threw Brunnhilde to the floor, her head hit a piece of rubble, knocking her out cold, and stalked over to me. I scanned him all over, trying to find some kind of weak spot. This guy is crazy strong. He doesn't have a weak point. At least, not one I can find. Not good.

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