Vlogs and Mischief

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Loki and I walked out to the main dining hall, I immediately took note of everyone's excited faces. They were all seated at a long table, decorated with candles and a huge vase of flowers in the center.

"Why do you all look like a kid who just stole a candy bar?" I asked them flatly.

Loki gave the group a thumbs up, and everyone cheered. Nat and Yelena collapsed onto each other in fake exasperation, Morgan danced around, Pepper smiled sweetly and when Thor cheered, I saw little sparks of lightning fizzle in his hair and fingertips. The others had similar reactions, except for Bucky, who was smiling, but not happy. I could see that he was thinking behind his smile, and wasn't particularly happy about the subject. Sam clapped a hand on Buckys shoulder, and the Winter Soldier genuinely smiled, clapping lightly.

"About damn time, dude!" Steve shouted over the chaos of noise.

"Congrats, kid!" Tony wrapped me up in a huge bear hug, which was a rarity for him.

"Wait, you knew!?" I asked.

Tony scoffed with a smile. "Kid, I helped him pick out the rock."

"I helped too!" Peter called from his chair.

"Wait, you all knew?" I glared when everyone nodded. "You traitors!"

"Hey, remember back when I called Hubby a traitor?" Tony laughed. "I was an asshole back then." he patted Loki's shoulder.

"You still are, Stark." Loki patted Tony's shoulder, and both men stood, clapping each others shoulders awkwardly.

"Heh." Tony let out a small chuckle. "You guys are quite the unusual couple, but I saw it coming a mile away." he said, sitting back down at the head of the table.

"And you guys bet on it." I added with sarcasm. I looked to Loki, who had sat on my left, and bit back a laugh. A large purple bruise was on his forehead, where he had hit the table earlier.

"What?" he asked.

"You've already got a bruise." I put a hand up to my forehead, showing him where it was on his.

"Now you're really never going to forget this night, brother!" Thor bellowed.

Once the way-too extravagant dinner was over, Tony pulled out a Stark tech phone and put it on a tripod that extended from a disc he tossed on the floor.

"Now, because the press can't get enough of the lovey dovey stuff, we need to record the totally-not-staged proposal." he said.

"I have an idea!" Peter bolted up, raising his hand and waving it in the air.

"Lights, camera, action!" Yelena shouted, tapping the record button on Tony's phone.

All the boys came into the room, snapping their fingers in sync, Loki in lead. Then, all the girls entered from the opposite side doing the same, with me at the front. Both groups met in the middle, Loki and I stepping closer to each other. We put our hands together and gazed into each others eyes.

"Y/n, I-" Loki burst out laughing, doubling over, the rest of us following suit.

"West Side Story is a no!" Peter wheezed from the floor. "Can I use this for my vlogs, though?"

"I would be disappointed if you didnt!" I laughed.

"Mmm, this food is delicious!" Thor said in a monotone voice, doing a terrible job at acting. "Say, brother, what did you want to ask Y/n?" Sam started shaking with silent laughter as Loki turned to Thor with a very fake glare.

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