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"Ernesto. Ernesto. Ernesto. Ern?"

Ernesto stirred from his sleep, opening one eye to see it was Holly who had disturbed him from his slumber. Holly, the beautiful girl he had fell in love with all those years ago when the parents had first disappeared. And who he was now lucky enough to call his girlfriend.

But right how he wasn't feeling so lucky; he was no longer able to ignore her constant poking in her attempts to rouse him.

"Mhmmm, is it morning?" He asked through a yawn.

He looked around their dimly lit Spartivan, the first of the morning light shining through the front windows. The rest of the Sparticles were sound asleep, all squashed tightly into their converted police van. When the adults had first disappeared all those years ago, at 11:11am, all the clocks had frozen on that time. They had to rely on the sun and moon to figure out the time, and from the looks of things it couldn't be much later than 5am.

He rolled over in their make shift bed, bringing Holly in for a hug. It was only then he realised how stiff she was.

"Chi Chi? Are you ok?" He asked, slightly more alert now.

It was a moment before she replied. "I think I'm in labour." She spoke out through a shaky breath.

It took Ernesto a moment to process the information. "Are-are you sure? Not just false contractions like before?"

"They've been coming for a while now, Ern. I'm sure."

They lay staring at each other for a while, just taking it all in. The van was quiet except for a few snores from Sadiq and the distant sound of birds tweeting. Everyone would be awake soon, eager to get back on the road.

"So, what do we do now?" He whispered.

"I'm not sure. I was kind of hoping baby would wait until after the comet to come, then we could have gone to a hospital...." She trailed off, deep in thought. "Wait, Ern, today is the 7th of July, isn't it?"

Realisation hit him. The day they had all been waiting for; today was the day the comet would arrive. The most important day, the only opportunity they had to bring the adults back. They still hadn't found the final sensitive, or the exact location of the circle of perpetual time. And of course their baby would pick today of all days to arrive.

He looked into her eyes and watched as tears pooled. He was quick to wipe them away, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Hey, hey, why the tears?" He asked.

"It's just, we've all worked so hard to get to this stage. To bring back all of our parents. This is our only chance and what if I ruin it for everyone because I'm having the baby?"

More tears began to run down her face. It was this type of vulnerability that Holly would never let show to the other tribe members. But when it was just her and Ernesto, she let her guard down.

"My Chi Chi, I promise you that by the end of today, we will not only have our baby in our arms but we would have brought back all the parents. And when have I ever broken a promise?"

His comments bought a teary smile to her face. "God, can you imagine it? When we wake up tomorrow our entire world will be different. We've been on this quest for 5 years now, I just...I can't even begin to fathom how life will be. And we'll have our little baby in the mix." She cradled her bump in her arms, grinning ear to ear. "I hope the adults can give us some cuter baby clothes."

Ernesto feigned a hurt expression. "Hey, what's wrong with the baby grow we have?"

"It's camouflage." She replied, as if that was answer enough.

"And? They'll be matching with daddy! A true revolutionary!"

"Guys?" A sleepy voice called out from the van. It was Kim, Holly's teen mum. "What are you doing awake?"

On queue, Holly's hand gripped Ernesto's tightly as another contraction wracked through her body. Ernesto quickly grabbed a stop watch, timing how long it lasted and how long it had been between them.

"Holly's in labour." He explained as the grip on him lessened. He turned to Holly, brushing some hair out of her face and behind her ear. "That one was about 40 seconds long."

They watched as an smile spread on Kim's face, an excited squeal escaping her lips. "Oh my god! The baby is coming! The baby is coming!" She all but screamed, waking up the rest of the Sparticles.

"Is it morning already?" Reese, one of their sensitives, asked as she sat up stretching.

"Kim! The baby isn't coming yet, probably won't be for hours." Holly grumbled.

"The baby's coming?" Serena asked from her spot in the drivers seat, her head poking around to look at the tribe.

"No! Not for hours! Seriously, everyone go back to sleep!" Holly groaned, seeming annoyed at all the attention being on her.

Sadiq sat up, stretching, body sore from another night in the cramped van. He began to address everyone. "No can do, Holly. Today is a big day! Come on, tribe Sparticle, this is the day we have been waiting for. We've been working towards this for over 5 years now. We have one chance at sending the teen parents home and bringing back the adults-."

"-Even though we're all practically adults ourself now." Frankie, his younger step sister,  interrupted with a laugh.

"We need to stay focused, we need to find that final sensitive. Reese, Aris, are all the other sensitives in place over the ley lines?" He asked.

There was a moment of silence as they connected with their fellow sensitives through the SensitiveNet.

"They're all ready and waiting, Sadiq!" Reese confirmed with a smile. "We're still being pulled Eastwards to the coast, that's where the 7th sensitive will be."

"Ok, but what about Holly? We need to find her somewhere to give birth." Kim reminded them.

"I'll be ok, Kim. Getting to the circle of perpetual time is the priority right now." Holly replied, though she sounded uncertain.

"Well that settles it. TRIBE SPARTICLE, ARE WE READY!" Sadiq shouted out, met by cheers from his tribe.

"Let's bring the adults back." Serena said with a smirk, putting the Spartivan into gear and driving off towards the sea.

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