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Their celebrations were interrupted by a constant ringing sound coming from the adults phone and Reese's tablet she'd picked up from the adult dimension.

"This is a public announcement. Can the tribe Sparticles please make their location known. The government would like to speak with you. I repeat, would tribe Sparticles make themselves known to the government." Started blaring out from each device.

The tribe looked at each other in confusion.

"We're not in trouble, are we? Sadiq?" Frankie asked her brother in fear.

Kim laughed. "Trouble? My dear, you are all hero's! This is a day the we have all been waiting for for a very long time. Here," she took out her phone, "everyone squeeze in and smile for a photo! They'll want proof that you're at this location!"

Everyone got together, smiling, the sea crashing in the background. Kim snapped a photo, quickly typing some things on her phone before putting it away.

It was a matter of moments before a helicopter could be heard coming overhead, landing next to the lighthouse. Four men got out, all in black and wearing helmets.

"4 males, 4 females, 2 adults and 1 infant." One spoke down his radio.

"Are you tribe Sparticle?" Another shouted out, struggling to be heard against the sound of the helicopter.

Fizzy began walking away from the tribe, but Sadiq was quick to grab his jacket and pull him back to the group.

"Yes, we are. We all are." He spoke to the men,

"Please, follow me. The Prime Minister would like to speak to you."

"Who's the PM now?" Sadiq asked.

"It's David Cameron, Sir."

Ernesto rolled his eyes. "Great, so he's still in power."

The Sparticles, plus Fizzy, Kim, and Brian, followed the men into the helicopter, each given helmets and ear defenders.

"Wait, my baby, she's only a few hours old. Will she be ok?" Holly asked in a panic, holding Kimmy close to her chest.

"She's only a few hours old? Oh Holly, my love. We need to get you to a hospital to make sure you're both ok, you poor things." Her mum brought her into a hug, not having realised just how young her granddaughter is.

"I'm fine, mum. I just want to know that Kimmy is ok to fly."

"She will be just fine, ma'am, and we will get you both medical attention when we land in London." The man confirmed.

With her fears put to rest, the Sparticles buckled themselves in, watching the cottage and lighthouse slowly become smaller as they flew up into the air. It was only during the flight to London that things really started to sink in. They had actually completed the mission. The adults were back, their parents were all back. There was a feeling of disbelief amongst them all, unable to comprehend what had really just happened.

The flight was quick, and soon they were landing in a small park overlooked by Buckingham Palace. The Sparticles were helped out one by one as hoards of people, of adults, tried to get closer, only held back by a team of security guards. They cheered as they got out, cameras constantly flashing as a million photos were taken. Above all the commotion, they could see children reuniting with their parents in the park, happy tears streaming down everyone's faces.

"Chi Chi, do you reckon we'll be in the papers tomorrow?" Ernesto asked, smiling at the cameras, holding his arm up in victory.

"I somehow think we'll be front page news everywhere." Aris said, giving the photographers a wave.

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