Chapter 19 - Grandpa Eros Spreading Looovvee

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Fixing up the compound took about a month, all in that time, Steve had infiltrated every possible HYDRA base within the entirety of the country, yet he still hadn't found his wife. Blue and purple bags were hanging heavily under his eyes and his knuckles were bruised raw due to beating the crap out of at least more than a thousand punching bags, he went through around 5 each day. His body was scattered with scabs of old wounds due to the fights with the HYDRA soldiers, yet he never laid to rest.

The whole team, in fact, mellowed with grief and non-stop searched for Megan until they dropped to the floor, thoroughly exhausted. Tonight, they all sort of drifted away from the compound in pairs of two and threes to relax with their significant others, just for one day. Rain and Peter walked through the thick forest, Peter's arm thrown around Rain's shoulder as they walked in silence. She knew she needed to talk to Peter about what he had said before he had dusted away, although she was afraid of the response. She couldn't help but think of her sister who had wandered off with Alex, Rain knew the both of them had feelings for one another yet they didn't admit it for fear of the team's response.

She glanced at Peter, pushing her maroon, curly hair out of her face, technically the team thought of Peter as her uncle, could Rain get past that? Megan thought of Peter as a son rather than a brother, could Rain handle the judgement? She bit her lip and sighed, quickly saying what she had to, "I guess we should now talk about what you said before we dusted." Peter stopped walking and he looked up, noticing the bright stars that were shining out tonight, the trees creating a sort of arch above him and Rain. Rain took a step back from Peter, his arm falling limply to his side as she crossed her arms and stared at him.

"Rain... I-I was about to die... I wasn't in my senses." Rain scoffed, Peter knew she could see right through him and she was never afraid to call him out on his bullshit. "Pete... you told me you loved me..." "I... might have." "Pete!" "Ok, yeah. I told you I loved you, loved." Rain blinked rapidly, trying to keep her tears from showing, "Loved, as in the past tense? You don't love me anymore?" Peter hung his head, shoving his hands in his pocket, he wished his bestfriends, MJ and Ned were here, they'd know what to do... probably. They were dating too... each other so maybe they knew a thing or two about couples.

"Rain, I do love you, still." Peter whispered, "But, it's inappropriate. I'm technically seen as your uncle, you're like so many years younger than me-" "Actually, I'm 17, I'm 3 years younger than you. And you aren't my blood uncle, are you?" Peter shook his head. "Then what do you care what people think? My parents didn't, I don't either. I love you, that's all I care about." She took a step towards Peter, laying her hand on his face and tilting his head up so he was looking into her eyes. "Don't you?" She asked. He gulped noticing how Rain's eyes changed from blue to green to gray and then back to blue. The gold specks in between shining like diamonds.

"I do..." Peter spoke, he pushed away though, "But I still can't do this." Rain held his arm, "Why not?" She asked, she took a step forward and pressed her lips against his ear, "Don't you want me?" Peter bit his lip, "I do... so badly, you don't even know, Rain." "Then show me." She breathily hushed into his ear, her sweet breath fanning over his face.

Peter felt a sort of dominance arising in him as he grabbed Rain from the bottom of her thighs and pushed her up against a tree. "Once I start loving you, I won't be able to stop." "I don't care." Rain responded to Peter. "What if your dad doesn't approve?" Peter asked and Rain laughed, "I'll convince him, I'm his princess afterwards. Daddy loves me." Peter blushed and then grinned, he shook his head, "He's not daddy anymore, I am." He kissed Rain and it felt electrifying, as if he was dead and was only now living for the very first time. She kissed him back equally as forcefully, the two breaking apart and leaning their foreheads against each other only when they had to take a breath. "That was..." Peter started, "Late." Rain finished for him.

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