Chapter 28 - Worthy

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Edward ran a hand through his hair, he worked non-stop with his Pop-pop ever since he heard James pleas for Megan to come back, he wanted his mom to see her niece as well. The two had worked on a tracker which currently isn't working. Working day and night on it, only coming out to eat and drink, it had taken a real strain on each of their relationships. Edward leaned back in his seat, cringing as he thought of the recent and first fight he had had with Lila.

"I brought you lemon-flavoured iced-tea, you're favourite." Edward hummed in response to Lila, she sighed, setting the beverage down next to him on the desk. She walked behind him and pressed her hands to his back and shoulders, feeling the built-up tension there. "Stop." Edward whispered as he leaned forward and melted a piece of wire to the machine he was working on. "Stop what?" Lila asked, "I'm just massaging my man, I can't even do that anymore." "No..."

Lila smirked, "You don't sound very sure." Edward sighed as he relaxed beneath her talented hands, they weren't just talented for a shoulder massage and he let his thoughts wander before his body went rigid. "I know what you're trying to do." Lila huffed, "I haven't gotten any attention or love from you in nearly 2 weeks, you can see why I might result to desperate measures." "I know. I'm sorry. But I have to do this."

Lila sighed, she pulled back Edward's rolling chair and plopped herself in his lap, kissing him passionately. She pulled back, hurt when he didn't respond enthusiastically as she had hoped. Feeling the rejection coursing in her veins, she got up, "I'm sorry... I have to find my mom." Lila stopped, she turned around, her face contorted in anger. "HAVE TO FIND HER?" Edward flinched at her tone. "Have you ever wondered that maybe she doesn't want to be found and that you're chasing a dead lead? Maybe she wants to stay away from you because maybe, just maybe she wishes she never had any of you at all."

Immediately Lila clamped a hand over her mouth, she stood shell-shocked as she absorbed the weight of what she had just said in her anger. "Edward... I didn-" "Get out." Edward whispered, he massaged his eyes as he spoke, refusing to look at her. "Ed-" "I SAID GET OUT!" He screamed and Lila fled out, tears running down her cheeks. Tony walked in shortly after and he raised a brow, "I hope you know you're girlfriend is sobbing miserably." "I know..." "First fight?" "Maybe our last..." Edward spoke quietly as he was sure the relationship was over.

Now, thinking back to it he felt horrible for how he had treated Lila, but he wasn't all to blame either, she had said something immensely painful and untrue about his mother and he wasn't about to stand there and let her talk that way about the woman that gave birth to him, that raised him. The machine in front of him started to beep uncontrollably, "Pop-pop..." Edward ushered the older brunette over as he stared excitedly at the coordinates. "This says she's a couple miles out." Tony smirked, "Hiding in plain sight... that's my girl."

"Don't tell the rest of the team. Especially not Dad, he might storm over to get her. I'll go talk to her, alone, convince her kindly and softly. She's like a scolded child right now, she needs someone to be patient with her." Tony nodded, "Alright, you telling your girlfriend?" "I'm not even sure I can call her that..." "So, we have one fight and you're breaking up with me?"

Edward turned around to face Lila as Tony slowly slunk out of the room, allowing the two their privacy. "I... I thought you might not want to be with me anymore." Lila smiled slightly, "You're really cute." She spoke as she closed the distance in between them, laying her hand on his cheek she leaned in. "Ed, I'm sorry for saying what I did. I was wrong, Aunt Meg is the most amazing, strong woman I know after my mother. Ed, we're in an adult relationship now, no more highschool crap, although neither of us have gone to highschool... but, fights will happen, what's important is that we make up afterwards."

Edward nodded, he smiled, leaning in and kissing Lila passionately, "I'm sorry for not spending more time with you." "I should've been more considerate to the fact that you're trying to find your mom. I guess we both had faults." Edward nodded, he leaned his forehead against Lila's. "I'm going to go get her." "I know. You want me to come along?" "No, I've got this. But, I don't trust Pop-pop's big mouth so I do need you to keep him from telling Dad." Lila chuckled under her breath, "You got it."

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