Anything For You

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Requested by @Itz_HisWaifu
TW: Body image

Mutant. A word you heard all too often. And as much as you would like to deny it, it was the harsh truth. You were hideous, and you always reminded yourself of it. Your quirk was unlike any other mutant's, in fact, it was the worst and most hideous. People would never let it leave your mind—not like you would let yourself forget it. Your quirk was horrendous to look at to the point you got rid of anything that showed a clear image of yourself. You avoided your reflection at all costs.

But that changed when you met Hawks.

A hero so wonderful that you felt you didn't dare to be in his presence. Although, such efforts were ignored as Hawks tried to get closer to you. In the times he caught you in public, he made sure to greet you and briefly catch up with you. He was a kind hero alright, but even that kindness couldn't overpower the whispers and sneaky glances.

You weren't an idiot nor ignorant. You were aware of what they thought—what they said, even when Hawks was around. It would be a lie to say that it didn't affect you. It would be farther from the truth to say that it didn't make you think of what could be said, if you didn't look the way you did. If your damned quirk didn't make you look the way you did.

But that smile... that warm smile Hawks always gave you regardless of how busy he was. The chance you happened to catch even a glimpse of you, he would immediately go to you. His smile made you forget about the people who stole glances towards you and Hawks. Well, almost forget.

It was hard to ignore the words you managed to catch: "Ugly," "what is that," "should we help Hawks?," "that's a human?," "I can't look," "disgusting," "monster," "mutant," "disgusting." There were so much more but just remembering the looks on their faces was traumatic enough.

Until, enough was enough. You knew Hawks deserved better. You wanted to be someone Hawks could be proud around—to be comfortable with. And that's what led you to a man with a peculiar quirk. You happened to have caught an advertisement lost in the wind about a quirk that altered appearances permanently. The price and overall business was sketchy, but you were desperate. Oh, so desperate.

You had contacted him and followed his directions over the phone. You were lost in your desperate haze to look "human" that you didn't realize just what type of place the man was leading you. All you know is he lay you down on a reclining seat with a single bulb swaying above your head.

Poor unfortunate souls

He smiled down at you as he spoke to you, "You will look as beautiful as you should be."

In pain, in need

His gloved hands caressed your face. His perfect smile almost broke upon touching your mutant features.

This one longing to be thinner, that one wants to get the girl

His words were like velvet that slipped sweet toxins into your skin. "Relax and let me handle it all... when you wake up?"

And do I help them?

He carefully places an anesthesia mask over your face and held your hand. "You will awake as a new person, as someone you should have been."

Yes I do

It didn't take long to fall asleep. You were out like a light, and welcomed the slumber that overwhelmed your conscious state. You fell asleep happily, smiling at the thought you will finally be fixed—finally be human... and worthy to be around Hawks.

You didn't dream of anything, but when you woke up, you saw Hawks desperately calling out to you. You couldn't register what he was saying to you, but you weren't at the hands of the generous man. No, you were in a hospital.

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