I'm Sorry

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Requested by @Miraculouslyzoeyt

You were storming around the house following Hawks as he tried to storm off. The fight started the second he stepped into the house, the anger you waited to unleash upon him was immediately ignored by Hawks who was too tired to even look at you as he greeted you. This wasn't the first time, and it surely wouldn't be the last should you let it slide. He has been too "tired" to even pay attention to you lately, and you weren't asking for much. In fact, you were going easy on him with your relationship needs these past weeks.

But this had gone long enough.

"Hawks, look at me when I'm talking to you!" You screamed at him as he stormed off towards the restroom.

"I told you we can talk tomorrow," he answered over his shoulder as he closed the bathroom door behind himself.

"No, I won't wait for tomorrow. Your schedule is full tomorrow and I know you're off for the rest of the evening. We have to talk about this now, Hawks," you didn't get a reply and you didn't hear him use the restroom as intended. You didn't hear the flush or the sink, you didn't hear him do anything until an exasperated sigh was heard on the other side.

"Hawks, please," you said after checking the tone of your voice. Okay, maybe you went a little too hard on him. To admit, screeching his ears off the second he enters the house wasn't the right way to start. You breathed in, then released that breath to calm yourself. He was tired, and you had to take that into consideration.

"Hawks, will you please just hear me out? Not tomorrow or later, right now," you said, and you felt pleased with how it came out. It wasn't as angry and demanding as before, but kinder and willing to hear him out too.

"I thought I said we can talk about this tomorrow. I'm not in the mood," you heard Hawks say from the other side.

"And I said we need to talk now," you retorted. You have to stand your ground. Hawks may be tired, but so are you. He wasn't the only one working his ass off everyday, in fact, it felt like you were the only one putting in effort into this relationship.

"Give it a rest," Hawks barked back. You heard the faucet turn on, but nothing was catching the stream.

"I've been letting this slide for weeks now! I've waited and respected your wish to talk later, but later never came! Please, Hawks, for once just hear me out this time. Can't you spare a few minutes to sit down and talk with me? At least tell me exactly why you've been avoiding me! Please tell me something so I can understand even a little bit," you pleaded to the door as you felt your voice catching on your tightening throat. The faucet seemed to get louder and another stream joined it. Still nothing caught the water, except for the bowl of the sink and the shower floor.

He was trying to drown you out with sound.

You felt like whatever you were saying and will say would just hit deaf ears. How loud can you yell at an unnerving wall? Would you wait for your voice to die or give up entirely before trying any longer? If Hawks doesn't want to put any sort of effort into this relationship, what does that make of the tears you shed on your pillow every night?

"Keigo! Turn off the water and just listen to me for once! Keigo! I know you hear me," you yelled and slammed a fist on the door. "Keigo Takami!!"

"Shut up!" Hawks yelled and you felt a sharp pain on your ankle. Before you could even address pain, the door flew open and you felt that same quick, sharp pain on your cheek. Hawks' face turned red in furious rage and his feathers were raised.

"You need to stop bothering me—," Hawks began, but froze upon seeing you. "Did I...?" Hawks trailed off as he reached for your cheek, but your own beat him to it as your hand grazed over the painful area. You looked at your hand to see fresh blood, then looked down to see a clean slit spilling the smallest stream of blood down your foot.

Your heart began to beat fast as you realized what happened. He hurt you. He cut you with his quirk. Not once, but twice. Never in your life would you have thought Hawks would physically hurt you, especially during a fight. You never thought Hawks would be one to raise his hand at you, yet you have the cuts to prove it. The cuts on your cheek and your ankle.

Hawks's feathers lowered as he, too, began to realize what he had done. Even he was shocked that he hurt you. "I'm so sorr—," he began as he reached for you, but you flinched before he could touch you.

You didn't mean to flinch. It just... happened, and it hit Hawks hard.

"Sorry, I'll give you your space," you say as you step away from him and leave for your room.

The shock of Hawks cutting you began to overwhelm you as you closed the door to your bedroom behind you. You needed time to gather your thoughts and reflect on what happened. And what happened was that Hawks was so angry at you that he cut you with his quirk. He was so reluctant to talk to you that he felt cornered and lashed out. He didn't want to fix your relationship with you to the extent of hurting you.

Would this lead to your inevitable breakup? Would Hawks leave you, despite having promised you were the only one for him? Despite promising a comfortable future together? Does he even love you anymore?

Amidst your thoughts, you heard Hawks's footsteps reach your door and something slide under. He stood there for a few seconds before you heard him walk away. You waited before gathering the courage to pick up what was left on the floor.

It was an envelope that you opened to see a letter, two bandages, and travel-sized antibacterial wipes. You opened the letter to read:

I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was being selfish and it ended the way it did. I'm ready to talk now, but you don't have to leave the room. We can talk through your door, and I'm ready when you are. I'm sorry and I regret hurting you. I'll apologize a thousand times if I have to, but please, don't avoid me forever. Stay as mad as you need, I won't blame you, but please

The rest were unintelligible scribbles that's you couldn't make out, but you could him trying to form the words. The last words were easy to read, but you didn't want to read it. After what happened and what you reflected on, you weren't sure if he really felt that anymore.

You grabbed a pen from your desk and wrote on the back of his letter then slid it under. You retreated to your bed as you heard Hawks immediately scramble for your letter. He stood there reading your letter until he knocked like you asked. He didn't open the door, like you offered, but you heard the rustle of his clothes as he sat down at your door.

"I'm sorry," you heard his shaky voice say on the other side.

"I don't forgive you," you retorted.

"I know," he replied then let out a sigh. "What did you want to talk about?"

You hesitated to find your words. Will you regret asking him what was on your mind these last few minutes? What will he say and how will your heart react? Did you really want to find out? Would it be best to lie in ignorant, anxiety-filled bliss or heartache?

Despite your inner turmoil, you asked him anyways. "Do you still love me?"

Silence from his end. He didn't move, you didn't see anything from the light coming beneath your door. You couldn't hear anything, not even the sounds from outside. It was like time itself had stopped as you waited anxiously for his answer.

"I'm sorry."

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