Horror Movie

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Requested by @Xx_PineappleLover_xX

You open the door to see Hawks standing with a bag of theater popcorn and a few boxes of candies. He smiles upon seeing you and leans in to kiss your cheek, "Evening, Lovebird, is the movie already set up?"

You step aside to let him in and he immediately beelines for the couch and places the snacks on the nearby table. He takes off his coat and hangs it on a nearby chair, careful to straighten it out to avoid wrinkles, and sits down on the couch. His wings raise slightly, not hiding his excitement in the slightest, and he watches as you walk into the kitchen.

"The movie should be ready I just need to grab the food," you answer as you reach into the fridge and unwrap the dinner you prepared for him and warm it up in the microwave.

"You made me food?" He asks as he rises from the couch. He immediately rushes to the kitchen and meets you halfway, to which you stop him from entering by hugging him.

"Yes, I did, because you always forget to eat after working," you answered and guide him back to the couch. You push him gently into the cushions and his hand lingers on yours as they leave his chest.

"I can't help it, I'm just excited to see you," he replies and raises your hand to his lips for a soft kiss.

"You're such a tease," you joke and he smiles against your hand.

You pull your hand back when the microwave beeps, but his hand remains where you left it as he watches you leave for the kitchen. You return to his side, taking your seat on the couch on his left, and hand him the plate.

Without hesitation, he takes your hand and kisses the palm before turning his attention to the plate of food you handed him. Your heart's pace quickens as you stare at the invisible kiss he placed in your hand, and clench tightly so as to never let it go.

You reach for the remote and the popcorn to place in your lap and immediately play the movie.

It was a scary movie, one that you and Hawks had been waiting to see since seeing the trailers. The original plan was to see it in theaters but you and Hawks had both been so busy that by the time you found free time, the movie was already out on DVD. You bought the movie and decided the next time you and Hawks found free time, a movie date would be planned.

And today was that day.

You cuddled in close to Hawks who finished the meal you prepared in seconds. He moved on to a snack bag as you tried to focus on the movie, instead of the way his hand unconsciously reached for your own to give it a squeeze before returning to shoveling snacks down his throat.

The movie night was going so well. You felt Hawks lean closer to you, occasionally hug you before returning his attention to the snacks. You would switch snack bags with him as you immersed yourself in the movie.

What you didn't expect was how good the jumpscares were, or how horrific it was on your mentality.

The first jumpscare made you flinch hard enough to toss a few pieces of popcorn into the air. Hawks laughed at your expense, earning a few stray pieces of popcorn shoved into his mouth to silence him. He only smiled at you as he chewed his force-fed popcorn, his expression melting at the smile you tried to fight off.

The second time, you let out a sharp yelp of fear. Your body jumped but luckily, no popcorn was sacrificed. You leaned closer to Hawks, feeling your heart pounding against your chest, threatening your comfort. His arm raised to rest over your shoulders, pulling you in to his chest. You listened closely to his own beating heart, feeling your own calm down.

The third seemed to be the final straw for Hawks. He leaned forward and expanded his wing closest to you to its full length. He wrapped the wing around you, the soft feathers tickling your exposed skin, and rubbing the goosebumps that formed from the chills you gained from your fear. His arm rubbed your shoulder up and down, pulling you on top of his body and embracing you as he slowly fell into the couch.

He reached over with his free hand to lower the volume before raising his lips to the top of your head. He kissed you softly, pressing the gentlest kiss on your head with a hum.

"You alright?" He asked in a whisper.

You nodded against his chest, cursing inwardly at the shaking of your hands that you couldn't hide. "Yeah, I just... it got a little too real for me," you answered into his shirt.

"That's okay," he replied and raised your shaking hand to his lips. "We can watch another movie if you'd like?"

You shook your head, "No, it's fine. Just give me a second and we can keep watching."

He hummed in agreement before fully embracing you with his wings and arms. A single feather strayed from his wings to meet your face, to which it covered your eyes.

"You know, I never took you for a scaredy-cat," he teases.

"Hush, you," you respond and quickly shove a piece of candy in his mouth.

You stayed on top of him, welcoming his warmth and smell as you hugged him close and he returned the embrace tenfold. He hummed happily to himself, rubbing your back and placing a small kiss here and there.

Before you knew it, your heart ceased its racing pace and your shaking hands held his torso. When you noticed, you tried to rise from the couch but his embrace stopped you. You looked down to see the feather that once covered your eyes laying still on his chest.

"Hawks? Don't you want to watch the movie?" You asked and looked up to see him lazily opening his eyes. A smile crept on your face as you asked, "Did you fall asleep?"

A small questioning hum reverberated from his chest until as he tried to keep his eyes open. "Hm? Asleep? No, no, I'm just resting my eyes. You're okay now, right?"

Seeing his tired eyes try so desperately to stay awake made you stop to think for a second. "I'm okay now, if you want to keep sleeping we don't have to finish the movie," you finally respond.

"Although it would be nice to sleep the day away with you in my arms, I was really into the movie and I'd like to see how it ends," he replies as he tries to sit up with you still in his arms. You helped him by lifting your weight but he refused to release you once he arose to a sitting position. He looks at you then asks, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"We can keep watching, I'm fine," you reassured him as you reached for the remote. You immediately rewinded the movie to the part where you stopped watching and raised the volume.

"Alright, just tell me if it gets too much again," he says suspiciously before he placed a kiss on your cheek and turning his attention to the tv. The feather from before slithered into your hand, twirling in the middle of your palm before lying slack.

You brought the feather up to your lips placing a small peck and whispered to it, "Thanks Keigo."

You glanced up to see a small blush dust his cheeks and the tip of his ears as a small smile crept on his lips.

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