My Secret Lover

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Requested by Anonymous Reader

Today was the day. A day of rest with the one you loved most. You weren't going to let your stupid duties get in the way of your free time. No, you were turning off all your electronics. If something were to happen while off-the-grid, then so be it. You would face the repercussions then, but this was now. And now? You were throwing on a baggy pullover, and tugged the hood over your head with a mask to match.

No one was getting in the way—no one.

You climbed the stairs of the nearest tall building until you reached the roof. The second you closed the door behind you, you grabbed the nearest object to use as a door stopper. You looked around then slowly lay on your back to watch the sky change from its warm yellow-red color to a deep navy blue.

He was late. Super late. The stars arrived to the date faster than he did. So much for the wings, huh?

You hugged your knees to shield from the cold that started to kick in. You cursed the thought that you waited this long for him, and what with his schedule, you weren't sure if he would show up at all. Maybe you were putting too much at risk by waiting here for so long.

What was happening at this moment and the hours you were missing from the frontlines? You've been completely cut off from the outside world, as you kept to yourself in the hopes he would come to join you on the date.

You let out a sigh and finally sat up. It was getting too late, and at this point, frostbite would come faster than him. You shoved your mask in your pocket and tugged off your hood to pat your sore neck and head. Maybe next time.

As you tugged off the door stopper, the sudden flapping of wings disrupted the silence of the rooftop you thought you were leaving. Finally...

You turned around to watch Hawks land hastily as he almost lost his footing. He managed to catch himself as he crashed softly into you, crashing into the door that clanged in response.

His rapid breaths were caught in your ear as he held you tightly. His face pressed against the side of your head and you felt a smile creep on his face. The stubble on his chin scratched your temple, but you didn't care. In fact, you almost forgot how late he was because of his presence. The freezing cold you once felt was now replaced with Hawks's overwhelming warmth.

"I'm sorry for being late," Hawks breathed into your ear as he tried to catch his breath.

You pushed him just enough to stay in his embrace, but get a good look at the nerve he had for coming late. He looked good, a little too good for a casually planned date on a rooftop.

His hair and beard were trimmed, and his hair styled back, as if the wind itself didn't style his hair already. He was wearing semi formal attire with a white button down and black slacks. It looked like he was in too much of a hurry to bring a jacket because the tips of his ears were a light pink-red color. It kind of ticked you off to see how good he looked when all you were wearing was the hoodie and jeans to keep a low profile. Seems he didn't catch the memo.

"I waited here since sunset," you scolded as you curled your fingers over his ears to warm them up. Your thumbs carefully rubbed his earlobes up to his helix.

"Really? I'm so sorry, I was hoping you would be late at least a little. I was busy trying to get ready and look good." He replied apologetically as his arms left your waist and up your body to meet your hands.

His fingers enveloped yours to return the favor of warming up his ears. He leaned into your touch and pressed his forehead against yours as he closed his eyes. He breathed in a big breath and comfortably sighed in the silence as he took in everything about your presence. Your presence being your smell, the sound of each breath you took, your warmth, your very being even, as if recharging himself before you both had to leave and return to your private work lives.

"I missed you," he finally broke the silence with the soft whisper. He pulled your hands from his ears to kiss them and press them against his cheeks. You cupped his face and kissed his lips.

"I missed you too," you whispered back.

It felt so long since you were last together. You both were too busy to plan dates, it almost felt like people knew your relationship with Hawks and tried to keep you two apart. But that was just how it was, especially with trying to keep it all a secret.

You both knew the dangers of exposing your relationship to the public. Your relationship with him could be utilized as a weapon on both sides, a weakness. So, to prevent this from happening, you both swore to keep it a secret. It was for the best, but sometimes... you would risk it all just to spend more time with him.

He kissed your lips once, twice, then once more. It was like with each kiss he tried to stop himself but couldn't help it. Almost as if he was arguing with himself between each kiss until you kissed him back. You cupped his face in your hands again and kissed his forehead, down to his eyes, his cheeks, grazed over his lips, then hugged him.

"I don't want to let go," you spoke into his neck. His hand held your head to his neck, as the other desperately clung to your sweater.

"You make it so hard to leave," he whined as he held you tighter.

"We could've been together longer if you came earlier," you scolded as you planted your face in the middle of his chest and took in his scent. It was a shame he didn't bring a sweater or jacket you could take home with you.

"I'm really sorry, I meant to come sooner, but I couldn't come to the date looking the way I did," he said as he backed up into the door and leaned on it. He pulled you in to hug you close and added, "Don't I look good?"

You rolled your eyes and nodded, "Yes, you look great. I'm a bit embarrassed to be near you dressed like this. Didn't realize there was dress code..."

Hawks smiled confidently and said, "I wanted to look extra good for you since its been a while. Although, it did cost me my time with you, so I can't say it was worth it."

You hummed in response and kissed his lips. He didn't say anything else, but slid down the door to have you sit in between his legs. You ran your hands over his thighs as you kissed every bit of his face. With each kiss he seemed to get a little more uncomfortable and shifted but didn't stop you.

You kept kissing him, and he sat there to take it all, until your phone's alarm went off. You stopped just before another kiss to his lips, and pulled away.

"Wait, more," Hawks whined and pulled you in. He kissed your cheek and held your hands to his side.

"I can't stay any longer, Keigo," you said as you stood up but didn't let go of his hands.

"Not even a minute longer? Can't I stay over tonight?" He asked desperately and didn't bother to get up. You noticed the weird way he was sitting, but couldn't really understand why.

"Don't you want to be together longer?" He asked again and leaned forward with pleading eyes. His wings were unfurling but seemed stiff. You looked down to finally notice the reason why he didn't want to move.

You tugged off your pullover and gave it to him. You helped him to his feet and said, "Don't come late next time."

You opened the door and gave him a quick kiss before leaving.


Alternative Ending
"Don't you want to be together longer?" He asked again and leaned forward with pleading eyes. His wings were unfurling but seemed stiff. You looked down to finally notice the reason why he didn't want to move.

You couldn't help it. You tried for a split second but it just came out. You keeled over and laughed so hard you started wheezing. You were having a blast laughing your heart out, and Hawks only sat there embarrassed out of his mind.

"I only touched your thighs," you blurted out as you held your side from the incoming pain laughing brought you.

"We haven't been together in so long," Hawks mumbled as he fixed his slacks and stood up.

"Love you Keigo, I have to go," you said as you tried stifling your laugh. You kissed his hand and closed the door behind you.

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