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𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙨-𝙢𝙖𝙚 𝙢𝙘𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙡𝙚𝙮
"I'm gonna find you a boy to see while we're here," Faith hummed. The two of us were in the pool, arms crossed and resting on the edge as we watched the boys. Harry and Lux sat at a table- messy and filled with empty alcohol while the other three kicked a ball around.

"What?" I laughed, turning to face her. She smirked lightly, chin propped up. Her hair was slick back, wet from the pool, but yet somehow she still looked as good as ever.

"You heard me," She continued. "It's about time you find a guy- I mean come on, how are you actually single?"

I scoffed, my cheek squished against my arm. My eyes flicked across her face, tiny water droplets falling from her eyelashes.

"I'm single by choice," I told her. "But thanks Faith, appreciate it."

"Nah," She shook her head, amusement filling her eyes. Faith always had mischief flooded in her green eyes. "I'm serious Iris, i've known you for a while now, and even on a night out- i've never seen you with a boy."

"I dunno," I shrugged, arms pushing against the wall as I moved back and forward in the water.

We'd been here a few days, and each evening we all gathered in the garden before we did whatever we were doing for the night- I myself had taken a liking to the pool, Faith only just getting in today; id been in Harry's company every other time.

"Fine," she mumbled, turning so she was now completely facing me, back to the boys. "How about a one time thing- sex, that's it."

I let out a loud laugh, Harry's eyes turning to me confused. My mouth snapped shut quickly, shaking him off with my head. He raised a brow at me, before turning back to Lux.

"That was fucking funny," I giggled, the girl only looking at me, face showing nothing but seriousness. "Absolutely not."

"Come on," Faith continued. "Just once, it might be good for you."

"I can't," I shook my head. "Id be paranoid and overthinking the entire time, it wouldn't be fun for either of us."

"You're so cute, aren't you?" Faith teased, leaning closer in attempt to pinch my cheeks. "What if it was someone you knew?"

I hummed, tilting my face to scan her face. It intimated me, her face filled with nothing but seriousness, no jokes or anything mixed in with her emotions.

"I don't think I know any boys other than- you know- well, and Theo but that's a straight no."

"So?" She shrugged, eyes flicking quickly towards the boys. "Try it with one of the boys."

I let out another laugh, the girl's lips tilting into a smile.

"I can't do that," I rushed out, cheeks flaming up with blush. "We're friends."

"Friends with benefits," She teased again, a wide smile etched onto her face. I rolled my eyes, flicking water at her before lifting myself to climb out of the pool. "Where are you going?"

"Away from you and your ridiculous ideas," I shouted, a fake madness lining my tone. She flipped me off with a smile, wiggling her eyebrows as I neared Lux and Harry.


"I'll give you a fiver if you down that," Harry urged, pushing forward a glass. It's contents were unknown, but black and seemingly fizzy.

"What is it?"

He shrugged, fingertips touching the glass. It continued to slide across the table- the two of us being the only ones seated. We'd come to a club, Faith and Ethan being somewhere in said club, the three others disappearing to find a 'decent takeaway.'

"No then," I shook my head. Harry rolled his eyes, bringing the liquid to his nose to sniff. He cringed, his face straightening out immediately after. "I saw you cringe, no chance mate."

"Don't be boring," He continued, his bottom lip now sticking out. "For me?"

"No," I mumbled, taking it into my own hands to smell. His cringed face was reasonable after id got a sniff, the liquid smelling just as unpleasant as it looked.

"A fivers a fiver."

I hummed, chin resting on my knuckles. The music in the building was loud, loud enough to be giving you a headache if you weren't as drunk as Lux was before he left.

"I'll down it if you buy me food," I suggested, the boys eyes now lighting up. "Deal?"

He nodded quickly, fist bumping the air as I brought the drink closer to my mouth. Harry snickered, fist clenched between his teeth, biting down in order to prevent himself from laughing loudly.

"I can't," I shook my head, the tiniest amount touching my tongue. It was awful, whatever it actually was, and I struggled to understand why he'd bought it in the first place.


I raised a brow at that comment, his teasing tone and slight smirk almost daring me in itself. The glass size was fairly big, not quite a full pint glass, but definitely over half.

"You down it then."

He scoffed, "I dared you first."

"Tell you what," I began, shuffling closer to the boy. His body noticeably tensed slightly at this, relaxing though when he realised I got closer to talk. "You have half - i'll buy us the next round; I have half- you buy food."

Harry stuck his hand out, giving me a firm handshake before leaning over to grab an empty glass from our table. He took the 'drink' from in front of me, tipping half into the other cup.

Holding it up in the air, he clinked his glass against mine. "Cheers."

I gagged immediately. The taste burned my throat, eyes watering, watering even more with laughter when I looked up to see Harry's face.

The boy had dropped his head onto the table, not before gagging himself- his face bright red and scrunched up.

"Fucking hell," He mumbled, voice strained as if in attempt to shy away from the after taste. "I'm an asshole- no way you would've done all that on your own."


He flipped me off, then slapping his hand against my bare thigh. It stung, making me flinch to which he apologised and rubbed it softly afterwards.

"Now go get us that round."

𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙨- 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙡𝙚𝙬𝙞𝙨Where stories live. Discover now