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𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙨-𝙢𝙖𝙚 𝙢𝙘𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙡𝙚𝙮
Bella and Theo's faces flashed upon the screen of my laptop as I joined the call, matching wide smiles etched onto the pair of their faces. It'd felt like a while since I'd last spoken properly to either of them- and well, a catchup was due.

"I'm so excited to see you, you don't even understand," I squealed to the pair. It was just over two weeks until they were coming to London. "Have you sorted a hotel and things- I'd love for you both to crash here but I'm already intruding and taking up enough room as it is and-"

"Iris for the love of God, be quiet," Bella laughed, cutting off what was turning into a ramble. My cheeks flamed slightly. I'd always hated feeling like an inconvenience, and well having them get a hotel to visit me, seemed like a huge one; even if it couldn't be helped.

Giving the ginger a shy smile, I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ears. "Sorry, I just don't want you to think I haven't at least tried to find something better than a hotel."

"A hotel is fine," Theo told me softly, the same warm smile still on his lips. Theo was a comforting person- his mere presence was enough to calm myself as well as anyone else down. He's one of the calmer boys in my life, and for that I'm more than thankful; as much as I adore Cal and his personality (as well as the other guys) sometimes a sole like Theo's is needed to change the dynamic. "In fact, our hotel is lovely."

"He's not lying- it's fancy as shit Iris. Honestly, no offence, but I think I'd rather stay in the hotel anyway." Bella said, a slight joker tone to her voice, but I knew she wasn't kidding really.

"I can't even say I blame you," I laughed, shaking my head slightly. "I'm grateful of course, but I might just join you for a quiet night in one time- can't remember the last time I had one of those."

"How are you really finding it?" Theo asked me. His face wore a slight bit of concern although it was obvious he was trying his best to hide it. "London, the flat- all of it."

I shrugged, "I do love it, I really do. It's just different isn't it- it's taken a while to get my head around, but I've met some amazing people, I live with my brother again. It's good."

Bella nodded happily at my confession. I'd half expected them to be annoyed for not saying I hate the place and want to move back immediately, but in all honesty I wasn't sure I wanted to move back at all. Besides the two of them- and the delicious croissants each morning- there wasn't much to leave for. I'd truly grown to love London, and definitely would a lot more once I found my feet, my own place and such.

"Is it looking like a permanent move then?" She asked eventually, smiling sadly when I wasn't able to give her a yes or even a no. "Well, just know whatever you decide to do, we're so immensely proud of you- and we're only a flight away."

"Love you," I told them both. "I honestly can't wait to see you!"

"And you more."


Myself and Faith had joined the boys in their filming location. The two of us had decided to hang out- unable to decide what we could actually be bothered to do, we tagged along to watch them film. In all honesty I was looking forward to it. It was one of their '20 vs 1' videos, which were amusing enough, however my brother was the victim of this one, which made the journey even more enjoyable.

As well as myself and Faith: Harry, Tobi, Ethan, Randolph, Freezy and JJ were witnessing Cal embarrass himself. Faith and I were snuggled up on a couch out of camera shot and without a mic, which I was thankful for- I had a feeling I was going to be as awkward as Harry had been in past videos and I wasn't about to let millions upon millions of people see that.

𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙨- 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙡𝙚𝙬𝙞𝙨Where stories live. Discover now