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𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙘𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙡𝙚𝙬𝙞𝙨
Everyone was already up, ready with everything packed by the time i'd woken up- though we weren't leaving until the early hours of tomorrow morning, so I have no idea why.

The six of them looked rough, like death rough, likely surviving from a hangover. Iris had crashed last night, spending the majority of the night on the sofa before the rest of them even showed back up. Safe to say, they were all beyond drunk. Ethan and Faith had disappeared to their room immediately after greeting the two of us (me). The two Cal's and Chip continued their little party in the kitchen, Lux taking Iris to her room first.

"Lookin' chipper this morning," I teased to them all. Iris and Faith were curled up together on the sofa, a thick blanket draped over the two of them, as if it wasn't 40° outside.

"You would be if you weren't such a pussy and came out with us," Lux mumbled, mouth practically plastered to a mug filled with coffee. The boy had bags all but stitched to his eyes, the dark circles making him look more tired than he probably actually felt.

"Nah mate," I shrugged, slipping onto the sofa besides Iris, herself groaning when I landed on the edge of the blanket, tugging it off of her slightly. "Sorry."

Iris only shrugged, placing her head against Faith's shoulder, eyes half shut. I watched her for a second, the girl giving me the finger when she could feel my eyes still on her.

"We're leaving for a hotel in an hour mate," Freezy told me, locking his phone to look up at me. I raised a brow, confused at the sudden plan change- their packed bags now making slightly more sense. "Owner needs the space back apparently."

"Short notice," I mumbled, Iris's hands rising into the air quickly. She pointed at me before pointing at Freezy who smirked, evidently amused.

"That's exactly what I said," She spoke grumpily. "And then he started giving it- 'oh it's alright, we all have our own room'- but I wasn't prepared to be in a hotel, so now i'm all confused and lost and it just isn't good, i'm still-"

"Chill," I laughed softly, giving her knee a comforting squeeze from over the blanket. Iris's mouth snapped shut quickly, giving everyone a quick glance before she flopped her head onto Faith's knee.

"I tried to pack what was on your room's floor," Faith told me, pointing to a half full bag by the door. "I would've done it all- save you a job, but you were asleep and I didn't fancy waking you too early; fucking grumpy when you're tired."

"I told her she should've just left it," Ethan shouted as he made his way towards the bathroom. "Your own fucking fault."

"Cheers Behz," I nodded, aiming a thumbs up towards him when he turned to look at me over his shoulder. "Thanks Faith."

"I'll go sort it for you quick, if you want," She offered, letting out a small laugh when Iris huffed from her lap. "You're so unorganised it's painful, just sit here with Iris."

"Faith," Iris stretched out, all but clinging to her. "Please don't leave me with him."

"Yep, cheers Iris." She gave me the finger, looking up at Faith with big, wide eyes. "It's alright, i'll go sort it quick."

Faith gave me a small smile, filled with some sort of sympathy- clearly not wanting me to pack my own bag. I shrugged, standing with a small pat to her shoulder before taking off for my room.


"It seems that there's been a mistake," Linda- the receptionist mumbled, after handing out a key to everyone but myself. The boys had disappeared to their rooms, Faith and Iris lingering at the vending machine in the lobby.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, hands dragging down my face. "I'm positive there were enough rooms booked for each of us-"

"I'm sorry, but whoever has booked, clearly miscalculated, that's all the rooms we have for your stay."

"Well uh- can I not book a room, like I don't know, right now," But Linda shook her head softly. "What- why?"

"We don't usually offer on the spot bookings anyway," she started, giving me a quick glance when she looked up from the computer. "And as it goes, there aren't any more rooms for you to book, also."

I huffed, muttering a string of curse words under my breath as she watched me, eyes peering over the round glasses that sat on her face. I turned to take a quick look at the girls, still stood by the vending machine- Faith 'sneakily' shaking it in attempt to get more out.

Linda only laughed softly, shaking her head as she crossed her hands together, giving me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry sweet. Is there not a chance someone will share with you? After all, it's only a night."

I looked down at her, giving what I could only describe as a forced smile. "It's alright Linda, I'll sort it out." She just nodded, giving a short wave when I picked my bag up, making my way to the girls.

"Where's your key?" Faith asked, words hardly making sense as she stuffed more crisps into her mouth. "Why'd that take so long?"

"No key," I mumbled, Iris's eyes looking up at me confused. "Apparently we didn't book enough rooms and Linda won't let me book one now."

"What?" Faith all but shouted, eyes shooting hard looks towards the receptionist. "Want me to try? We both know that's bullshit, you're just too soft to try."

The smaller girl beside her snickered, fingers fiddling with the chocolate packet that had been forced upon her. I shook my head at Faith, her rolling her eyes at me.

"I'll speak to Eth," She told me, turning on her heel to make way to the rooms. "See if he'll share with you, I'll go with Iris."

Placing my hand on her head, I ruffled her hair, the girl swatting my hands away quickly, speeding up her walking pace.

"Not that you'd want to," Iris began, giving me a quick look. "Or not that I particularly want to either- but worst comes to worst, you can always come in with me."

"I think Lux would actually kill me," I told her, a smile making its way onto her lips. "Like, chop my balls off and sell them."

"We both know he snores, and sharing a bed with him is the actual worst- in fact, you go in now, I can guarantee he's already sprawled across the bed and snoring."


"And Cal's just as bed," she continued. "Except he's got extra long limbs, and I know I wouldn't wanna share with him."

"Thats also true-"

"And don't even get me started on Chip," Iris scoffed. "First of all- i'm almost certain he actually sleeps naked, second of all, he's so noisy it's unreal."

"Sounds like you're convincing me to come and share with you Iris."

The brunette looked over her shoulder as she sped up slightly. "Definitely not. Like I said, I don't particularly want you to anyway." She stopped a minute as she came to her door. "Just like, knock or something if you absolutely have to come and share with me."

𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙨- 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙡𝙚𝙬𝙞𝙨Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora