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"Mariella, I'm going to say this one more time, leave this fucking room." He said lowly, almost in a growl. 

His green eyes had turned darker, and he seemed on the verge of uncontrollable anger as well. That makes two of us. I liked it when I wasn't alone in this, and even though Luciano had graciously let me stay, he also promised me an explanation, and I needed it right now.

 "Absolutely not!"

This time, his lips flickered upwards, not in a smile, more like a sinister smirk. Still more emotion than I had ever seen on him though, he was always collected. Well at least I could get under his skin some way. 

"You've got issues." He spat.

"Oh, blow me, you jerk."


Mariella Monti, a young woman, who had experienced too much tragedy in her short life. She wanted to control everything, since control was something people, in her eyes, took for granted. She needed a calm life, but wasn't given the opportunity. Everything she had was ripped from her, right in front of her eyes, and she wanted nothing else but time to grieve and find herself again.

Luciano De Luca, a hot-headed, stubborn, ignorant man, who hated people and definitely wouldn't care if they ended up dead or alive. With no respect for human lives, with little to no remorse, with ignorance and the refusal of displaying any feelings. He was the perfect recipe for the Italian Mafia's leader, actually he was exactly that. 

When their paths collide, and their worlds crash, they can only hope for one thing; That they will both get out alive.

Status: Completed

Owner: IAmEmmaHey

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