Chapter 13

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You continued sitting in your bed, still wondering if everyone was okay.

You tried getting up once again. It was still a damn struggle to just move.

With a huff, you looked around your room to see if you could find anything that would work as a support.

Alas, you didn't find anything, so you just flopped back into the bed, regretting the decision right after it happened.

You stared up at the ceiling, boredom taking over you quickly.
That was until you heard your name being shouted by a certain loud mouthed boy.

"(YYYYYY/NNNNNNN)!" Asta dashed into the room with happy comical tears in his eyes.
He kneeled at the foot of your bed before shouting,

"Jeez Asta. Keep it down won't you. I just barely woke up." You groaned.
"Besides it's fine. It was my own fault that I got this hurt." You said, patting his head.

Asta had caught you up with what happened after you passed out.
Apparently you had been asleep for a little over two days! Everyone was ok for the most part. You'd learned that Asta did get stabbed in the stomach but he looked fine now. Probably thanks to Mimosa's magic.

Noelle came in a little after Asta was done and said that you should be grateful that a royal like herself is blessing you with her presence.

You just came to the conclusion that she somewhat cared about you.

When word got around you were awake and sort of ok, a lot of the other Black Bulls came to chat and talk with you.

Charmy brought you food which was really good and Vanessa tended to your wounds.

"Alright, give the pipsqueak some alone time. She's probably tired." Yami called from the doorway of your room.

You didn't realize how late it was until you looked out the window near your desk.

Everyone bid their good nights until it was just you and Yami in the room.

"They really are a rowdy bunch." You said, striking up conversation.

"Yeah, they are, but that's what makes them a Black Bull. A group of rowdy misfits that have potential I guess." He said, taking a drag of his cigarette.

You nodded, agreeing with what he said.
"Yeah, I guess so."

He inhaled again and puffed the smoke out.

"You know, you should really stop smoking. It isn't exactly healthy for you." You commented.

He only looked at you, shrugged his shoulder and turned around. With one hand up and in a waving motion saying, "Night pipsqueak."

He left before you could say another word, shutting the door behind him.


The next morning you felt much better. You were able to get up this time with the help of a walking stick Asta had found the other day.

You were hobbling around the base trying to find something to do when you remembered the library that was located somewhere in the building.

So, you made your way to the library.

When you arrived, the book you were reading the first couple of days you were here was lying just where you left it, book marked and everything.

You opened it and continued reading.

Unfortunately, just like before you were disrupted.

"Hey pipsqueak, are ya well enough to go give a report to the Wizard King?" Yami said as he entered the library.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 (𝐘𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now