Chapter 6

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5 year time skip brought to you by my laziness!

5 years had flown by quickly. Asta and Yuno were finally 15 and Y/n was now 20.

The Grimoire Ceremony for Asta and Yuno was today. Like every ceremony, everyone from the village of Hage and maybe even other villages walked all the way to the Grimoire Tower.

Asta was practically bursting with excitement and Yuno had a very calm demeanor. You wondered half the time how he turned from someone who cried a lot to a person who barely shows any emotions.

You walked into the tower with everyone from the church. Asta and Yuno made their way to the middle of the tower.

There were nobles and commoners throughout the tower. The nobles here looked stuck up just by the way they looked at the commoners, like you, around them.

The master of the Grimoire Tower, Drouot, began the ceremony like he did 5 years ago when you came here for your grimoire.

Your grimoire was in a holder on the right side of your waist so it was easily accessible when needed. You had trained a lot during the last 5 years and you hoped that it would be enough to get into a squad. 

You were brought out of your thoughts when you saw grimoires being magically levitated all over the room. They all flew over to their selected owner. However, a bright one had appeared and seemingly blinded everyone for a bit. When the light died down you saw who it belonged to and a smile played on your face.

Yuno received a four leaf clover. You knew he was special.

Then you heard a familiar voice say,
"Is my grimoire late or something?"
You didn't realize till now but he had one knee on the ground and his arms out waiting to receive one.

Your smile faltered as you saw the scene. Whispers were heard throughout the tower. The same stuff that he and everyone at the church knew about already.

He didn't have any magical power.

"Maybe come back next year."
The voice of Drouot said back to Asta.

This led to laughter to be heard throughout the tower. All directed at Asta.

Asta tried to talk with Yuno about how he was still his rival and that he would catch up with him, but Yuno walked out and the laughter continued.

Your big sister instincts kicked in and you stepped forward though you heard the protests from the people at the church.

You went to Asta's side and put a hand on his shoulder and yelled,
"You all better shut the fuck up before I beat all your asses! Asta is kind and hard-working and better than all you jerks! Just because he doesn't have magic power doesn't mean he is weak! He is strong physically, something you people don't have! So shut up and go bother somebody else!"

Your voice was heard clearly. You had a menacing aura around you that scared a lot of people in the tower. The nobles however weren't really affected by it and just turned away and left. People started to file out of the tower after your shouting scene.

You looked down at Asta with a smile. You bent down to his height (if you're short like me then you looked up) and gave him some encouragement.
"Don't give up just because you don't have some fancy grimoire. You have a heart made of gold and a determined fire inside you that won't burn out as long as you keep your dreams going. I believe in you Asta. Nothing will change that."

You got up (or reached up) and ruffled his hair. Your smile never left and he looked determined once again. He was probably going to run off to the place where he likes to train so you just let him.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 (𝐘𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now