Chapter 2

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10 years later

Y/n was now 15. The age where she would receive her grimoire.

When she was six she found out that her magical ability was dark magic. She was obviously excited when she found out, but dark magic tends to be slow.

She wouldn't let that stop her though. It was her dream to become a magic night. No matter what squad she got into. Whether it be the well known Golden Dawn or the last ranked squad the Black Bulls. Though she hoped she wouldn't be in that squad. Everyone seemed scared from what she heard.

She trained every day since she was 9 (the year she found out about magic knight squads) and tried to progress her magic ability as much as possible before she even got her grimoire. She couldn't do much but it was worth a shot.

She didn't train herself today due to being too excited and having to do chores around the church. Though she was spacing off for the most part.

March was slowly coming around the corner and Y/n was excited and joyful.

"Y/n would you please go get some water from the well? We need it for the laundry." Sister Lily's voice was heard from the left side of the church, the side you were leaning your back against daydreaming about becoming a great magic knight.

"Y/n? Did you hear me?" Sister Lily asked.
"Hmmm.... Wa- wait what?" Y/n was broken from her day dreaming and of course didn't hear what Sister Lily said.
"I asked if you could go fetch some water from the well. We need it for the laundry."
"Oh right, sorry. I'll go get it now."

Y/n picked up a bucket and made her way to the well. While she was walking there she ran into two little ten year olds who were having the time of their lives running around.
Y/n smiled as she watched them. Remembering how different they were yet they were the best of friends.

She continued her journey to the well and when she arrived she lowered the bucket into the water. It filled up quickly and once she pulled it back up, she took it to Sister Lily.

However, she wasn't thinking about laundry or the chores that needed to be done. She was thinking about the ceremony in March and the magic knights exam that she would take to get in one.
Just a few more days left, Y/n. Then I can receive a grimoire and train to be a magic night.

(A/n) Hello everyone that decided to read this. I hope you like what I'm writing even though my updates are very slow. I had the inspiration to write again today though.
It would be lovely if you could vote or comment so I know you guys are enjoying it. However you don't need to since it isn't mandatory.
Anyway I hope you are all staying safe during these times and washing your hands.
Have a good day/night!

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 (𝐘𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora