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Lilith Swan

The weekend had been unnecessarily hectic for one to many fanged reasons. Aside from Edward's unnerving, insistent need to be the one to take Bella to Florida. I had no idea what he could even do there seeing as the place was known as the 'sunshine state'. But a ginger-haired vampire named Victoria decided to pay Forks yet another visit after the death of her mate James.

Fantastic really.

And to top off the weekend of fun, an unknown vampire entered the house while Felix went out hunting. Though if anything, I am grateful that dad and I are still alive after the visit from our midnight intruder. Unfortunately, though this now leads us to our current predicament at the Cullen household. I could already feel the beginnings of a headache throb behind my eyes. Not only was it an ungodly hour of the night but I couldn't care less about Bella's next drama. 

"Who was it? Someone we know?" Carlisle questioned once everyone had joined in the living room.

"A stranger. I didn't recognise his scent" Edward replied solemnly.

"A nomad passing through?" Esme theorised. Aside from Rosalie, Esme was the only other Cullen I had come to like after my brief encounters with them. She was motherly and warm and incredibly understanding, she added a much-needed dynamic to the chaotic coven.

"A passerby wouldn't have left Bella's father alive, nor Lilith" Rose spit out Bella's name like to was acid on her tongue. Not that I blame her.

"The scent disappeared about five miles south of Bella's house" Jasper explained, the seriousness of the situation growing more apparent as it was becoming clear that whoever was doing this was planning every single detail. They weren't intending to get caught.

"Someone's orchestrating this" Carlisle announced, not that this information wasn't now obvious.

"Victoria?" Bella questioned.

Victoria Sutherland wants revenge on Bella and Edward

"I would have seen her decide" Alice spoke up dismissing the idea not realising how wrong she was.

"Has to be the Volturi" Edward concluded. Though it didn't take a lot for that boy to blame the Volturi for anything. It was almost like he couldn't comprehend that the Volturi had more important things to worry about rather than some pathetic teenage boy and his melodrama.

Before anyone could get another word in Felix spoke up with dangerous authority in his voice.

"Watch your tongue boy. The Volturi aren't stupid enough to be orchestrating this neither do we care enough about your pathetic love affair with the human. No matter your opinion of the Volturi, Master Aro still holds Carlisle's friendship in high regard and wouldn't wish to jeopardise it over something so useless" The already cold atmosphere of the room dropped even lower. Felix had taken on his 'executioner' demeanour now. Unlike his usual playful self, he was now stern-faced and standing broad. Although he is never particularly open or relaxed around the Cullens, his powerful and looming stance over the rest of the golden-eyed clan showed that at this moment he was dangerous and ready to defend his coven.

Edward began to growl at the realisation that he couldn't blame the Volturi anymore. Black eyes attempting to glare daggers into my mate. However, if Edwards was snarling like an animal Felix was thunder. Raw and unyielding. Not wanting a fight to break out in the house I spoke up.

"It's a woman named Victoria Sutherland, whether or not she is in Alice's visions, she is ultimately the one behind this. Maybe she's playing with the blind spots in her visions?" 

Edward's face scrunched up into an ugly scowl at this new revelation, like he didn't want to believe it. "So let's say it is Victoria and she's using subordinates to do her work, then how are we supposed to find out who it is anyway?"

"So we keep looking" Emmett interjected, arms crossed meaning business.

"We'll also take shifts guarding Bella at her house" Carlisle suggested now talking to the rest of the coven. I can't imagine that this was going to go well seeing as their last protection plan ended up with Bella almost dead in a ballet studio.

"Another protection detail?" Rose seethed.

"Rosalie" Carlisle went to scold her before being interrupted by Bella.

"No, she's right. You can't protect me, watch my dad and search for the intruder." Bella tried to look scared and innocent, and to someone that wasn't used to her antics, she looked almost convincingly so. But there was that look lingering just behind the browns of her eyes that showed that she was enjoying this. The attention. The very idea that so many supernatural creatures were going out of their way to protect her. A human. 

"And for Victoria" Rose added.

"And keep yourselves fed" Bella concluded.

"If it's any more help the intruder that you're looking for in called Riley Biers" I chime in. "I'm pretty sure he was that boy that went missing in Seattle not that long ago" and a brief look of realisation came across the faces of the pale family.

"Well I'm not leaving you here defenceless" Edward snapped towards Bella, the utter seriousness of the situation now finally sinking into his thick glittery skull.

"Well, I'm not gonna let you starve, and I wouldn't be unprotected I...I have-" Bella stuttered out, fingers now playing with the ends of her sleeves.

"What?" Edward questioned.

Thank you for reading~

Apologies for the slow update.

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