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Rosalie Hale

The blonde vampire had to hide the smirk creeping up her face watching her husband get thrown like a rag doll by her 'brother'. The almost pout on his face as he rushed up ready to fight, "Again!" came his angered voice. However, the moment was harshly interrupted by the sharp arrival of a jeep containing Edward and the human. Rosalie had never been the biggest fan of Bella, the way she treated immortality and the privileges she was given as a human, throwing away her chance at the family Rose could never have. However, her opinion of the girl curdled over time, especially after the trip to Italy. When she told Edward about the true nature of Alice's vision she never meant for this to happen. She just assumed that Edward would get over his obsession with his la tua cantante and wait to find his true mate like he had before Bella had even entered their lives. How wrong she had been. If it wasn't for Bella and Edward then Lilith wouldn't have been forced to turn by the Volturi and a small part of her felt that guilt was her own as she drove Edward to Italy in the first place.

She had surprisingly become fond of the black-haired woman, much to her own shock. Though she supposed that their relationship hadn't started out with the same animosity that she held with Bella, as Lilith wasn't choosing this life for herself. But as the two girls got along Rosalie came to realise that maybe going to Italy had been good for Lilith in the long term. It was clear that Lilith and Felix were destined to meet, and even now as the pair walked up the forest path to meet the rest of the family, it was clear by the look in their eyes that they cared deeply for each other. It reminded Rose of herself and Emmett. Emmett was her salvation from her past life as much as Lilith was for Felix.

Emmett brought out her softer emotions, as much as she tried to hide them from everybody else. Her outwardly vein and petulant attitude, especially the attitude she showed to Edward was her self defence mechanism. In her human life, she was far too open and naive, trusting and unquestioning. That's what, in her mind, lead to her death. Emmett on the other hand was open and loving, goofy and playful, sure he died trying to physically fight a bear but he wore his heart on his sleeve with a smile on his face.

Rose could see that in Lilith and Felix, he was a hardened executioner for the Volturi whether he agreed with the outcome or not, and Lilith was a calm but passionate literary nerd with a golden heart and silver tongue, though more often than not to was weaponised at her sister. Rose found herself greatly enjoying the verbal lashing both Felix and Lilith could provide at a moments notice.

Her inner thoughts were slowly interrupted by the stench of wolves approaching the clearing as the pack apprehensively came to join them.

Lilith Swan

Mere moments after Felix and I arrived at the clearing were we greeted by the pack.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms." Edward explained as the wolves stood up on the small forest hill.

"They came. That's all that matters. Will you translate?" Carlisle asked. The bronze-haired boy nodded.

"Welcome." the patriarch addressed "Jasper has experience with newborns as does Felix. They'll teach us how to defeat them." he explained in his usual friendly way.

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us." Edward translated.

"They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life." Carlisle finished letting Jasper take the reins.

"Carlisle's right." he began "That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army but no human army could stand against them. Now the two most important things to remember are, first: never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. And second: never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that and you will lose." and soon the training began.

Jasper and Emmett went up to fight first, ready to watch I sat comfortably on the jeep's bonnet with Rose and Felix stood nearby. I couldn't process much of the action with my human perception, only the fleeting moments of stillness after an attack had been struck. From the way Emmett was forced to the floor, I could only assume that Jasper won.

"Never lose focus."

Next up was Carlisle and Edward. Father and son. Over just as quickly as the previous match it seemed like Edward had outmatched the blonde vampire, only for Edward to foolishly turn his back on him. Quicker than lightning Carlisle got off the ground to win his fight against Edward.

"One more thing. Never turn your back on your enemy."

Lowering my voice for Rose and Felix, though knowing their senses this was a pointless action, "You'd think for a mind reader that he'd use his powers to know his opponents next moves, he can literally hear their thought process." naturally my whispering was futile but it caused a snicker from Rose, Felix and Emmett. As well as a nasty glare from the telepath himself but it was all worth it in the end.

There were many matches that followed, Jasper versus Rose, Alice versus Jasper, Felix versus Carlisle, but now was the match everybody was anticipating. Felix versus Emmett. Both boys had enhanced strength but Felix had the edge having enhanced speed as well. Just as They were preparing to fight I called to Felix.

"Give me your cloak" I softly demanded making grabby hands at the vampire. He only smirked in return. "Stealing the clothes off my back now are we?" he chuckled removing the fabric and delicately wrapping it around my shoulders. "I am not stealing I am merely liberating you of your possessions, now off you go" I joked shooing him away once I got my prize. Laughing as he prepared in the 'arena' both Felix and Emmett grew serious as they started to size each other up.

Faster than I could comprehend both men sped off into their fight, the blurs of this match lasting far longer than anyone else before them. However, quickly their fight slightly lost control as they ended up out of the arena area and deeper into the woods, both sets of booming laughter echoing from within the trees. After a few more minutes of laughter and tense silence from some of the Cullens, they both returned. Though now they were slightly ruffled and covered in leaves and miscellaneous debris.

"I'm telling you, man! I am so getting you next time" Emmett as his usual came out the woods grinning despite his evident loss.

"I'd like to see you try, child" the taller vampire replied victorious smirk plastered on his face.

Shortly after it was called quits for the day and the pack retreated back into the woods, ready to do this all again tomorrow.

Thank you for reading~

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