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Felix Volturi

Felix always felt content under the affections of his mate, as her fingers were cascading through his hair he couldn't control the almost purr like growls that escaped his chest. She seemed distracted like something was bothering her and he could almost sense her anxiousness as if it were his own "What's wrong mia dolce ragazza?" he asked lifting his head from her neck, growing concerned for his mate.

"Something feels wrong, but whenever I try and get any insight into what's happening I receive nothing. It's almost like who or whatever is causing this hasn't made their final decision yet." Lilith seemed just as frustrated as she was scared. If the giant had learnt anything about his mate while being in Forks was that she didn't like not knowing things, mainly when her families safety is concerned. "I'm worried that it's Bella. She's been missing for three days now and it's not like her to avoid attention." Huffing a laugh at her comment Felix pulled her into a comforting embrace.

"I have seen wars men could only dream of, survived Mount Vesuvius and lived for centuries as an executioner, I am sure as hell not letting an eighteen-year-old girl think she can get away with crossing you nor me. I will simply end her before she can try. Even if it does come down to a fight I swear I will do everything in my power to keep you safe." He smiled. Felix kissed his mate's temple before searching through her vinyl collection near the record player. Lilith watched the tall vampire with a look of confusion that was gently broken by a small smile. After finding what he was searching for he gently placed the record on the turntable and setting the needle over the disk. Soon the room was filled with the soothing sounds of a piano and soft backing drum.

"Dance with me?" Felix held out his hand to his mate who with a cute grin on her pale face hopped off her bed and took his hand. Felix would have to note to himself to let her wear his shirts more often. They swamped her rather tall frame in just the right way to tug at his heart, a warm and protective feeling taking over him at the sight of her. Despite her height, she was still completely towered by the executioner, so it was a bit of a stretch for her to link her hands over his shoulders, but he let her stand on his feet to help slightly. It didn't make a difference to the vampire anyhow.

"Wise men say only fools rush in" As Felix baritone voice joined in with the music currently playing a blush took over Lilith's face. He began swaying them in time with the music, crimson red eyes looking down at her ocean blue eyes with utter adoration.

"But I can't help falling in love with you"

Bella Swan

The brunette was furious, angrier than she had ever been in her entire life. If that child, that thing had used it's power any longer than it had her life would have been ruined. Edward would have found out everything. She already knew that the blonde empath could sense her seething jealousy and hatred. The Cullen's no longer paid her attention in the same way that they used to. Ever since that child had been born it was like her grip on them was suddenly slipping. She loathed it. Loathed her. Edward had slowly become disconnected from her, treating her differently than before. He was no longer vying for her attention, no longer keeping her close and certainly no longer loving her.

But beyond Bella's comprehension, he was loving her, attempting to but the toxic cloud of his blood driven love has dissipated. It no longer ran through her veins, controlled his thoughts. He could now think, reflect and now he had come to realise the error of his ways. The wrongs he had done and the danger he had put his family in. It was crushing to know that his blood singer had no been his mate, he would still have to look for them. But for now, he would try to love Bella in any way that he could. In hope's that when the time comes, Bella would be more open to finding her mate too.

Jacob had also imprinted while she was away on a girl his age in La Push. That had enraged Bella further, she had no one she could manipulate, no one to beg and plead for her and her humanity. But she remembered something, one small detail. Edward made the mistake of explaining to her what immortal children are. She also knew that Aro's gift would not work on her after her last experience in Italy.

She didn't know what she wanted but it wasn't this. She wanted Edward and Jacob even after solidifying her choice and marrying the vampire she wanted the drama. She wanted everyone around her to need her and cater to her, in the way they had before. The Cullen's used to protect her while she was incapable, but now she was a vampire they didn't need to, especially not as a newborn she was stronger than the Coven themselves. She was expected to look after herself, her gift was strong, she was now able to take control of her own life but she now found that she didn't want it. Not if it meant that people would stop coddling her. It was childish.

What was worse in Bella's opinion was that whenever Lilith wasn't cooking for and spending time with Charlie and Felix she was not at the Cullens, alongside the monster himself. She didn't understand it. He was a murderer in Bella's mind, he had no morality, she saw that when he killed Bree Tanner. When she told Lilith all she got in response was a simple "Sometimes you have to be something for someone else beyond your control, Felix is an executioner even when he doesn't agree with the outcome because it is what is demanded of him. The world isn't black and white and neither are people"

She hoped that Lilith would hate him, curse him, leave him and immortality behind because Bella couldn't stand it. The looks they shared, the love they clearly felt and with each adoration from the executioner it was becoming harder for her to make him the villain she so desperately wanted him to be. She could not admit it but she hated it because she wanted it. The gentleness, the care and the effortless gestures of love. Every time she had to watch Felix and Lilith interact with each other or with Dorothea she felt the jealousy spike.

So she finally made up her mind as she booked her flight to Italy, because so long as she had her shield then no one could prove her lies.

Thank you for reading~

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